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Thread: St. Patrick's Day in San Diego

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    St. Patrick's Day in San Diego

    San Diego California holds it's annual St. Patrick's Day Parade on the Saturday before March 17th. Each year, The Parade is lead by the Pipe and Drum Band of the San Diego Fire Department's Emerald Society. The San Diego St. Patrick's Parade is the largest West of the Mississippi and the third largest in the U.S.A. Of course, the New York Parade is held on March 17th when the center stripe down Fifth Aveue is painted green. In Chicago, the Chicago River is dyed green.


    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 14th March 2010 at 07:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: St. Patrick's Day in San Diego

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    San Diego California holds it's annual St. Patrick's Day Parade on the Saturday before March 17th. Each year, The Parade is lead by the Pipe and Drum Band of the San Diego Fire Department's Emerald Society. The San Diego St. Patrick's Parade is the largest West of the Mississippi and the third largest in the U.S.A.
    Hi Richard,

    I hope this doesn't sound too negative, but I figure some comment is better than none (I hope).

    I have to say I don't usually shoot these kind of things myself because of the difficulty in isolating a subject against the almost inevitable and unavoidable background clutter. Personally, I am never happy with the result when I shoot parades, processions, marches, etc.

    I can see you have done what you can with a telephoto lens on a wide-ish aperture to get the subject alone in focus.

    #1 is afflicted by the unfortunate School and Speed Limit signs; I would seriously consider cloning them out, not easy I grant you.
    Also the stars and stripes actually becomes part of the distraction because we've lost the top of the standard (pole) and can't see it's being carried by the guy in the centre.

    #2 is a more pleasing crop, but again, many bright colours and blown highlights on the right distract from the subject.

    I know some may see all the colour as part of the event, but it doesn't usually make a good photo, at least, not if it isn't the subject. You could try burning and desaturation in PP, but it's probably more time than you'd want to invest in them.

    I hope that wasn't too depressing,
    Oh dear, it does, doesn't it?

    Thinking cap on; what might I try to improve things, need to isolate the subject somehow...?
    a) Shoot against a tall shadow-side of a building (seen that done here by someone last year) obviously with subject sun lit though
    b) Get in as close as police/organisers will allow and shoot upwards, to get a sky background
    c) Use a wide angle lens (need to get in real close for this)

    Unfortunately, some or all of those may not be possible, especially on bigger events.

    Hope that helps,

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