Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Halo Wendy,
Yes, I see halos, not huge or bad though.
What sharpening settings did you use at each stage? (and what was the picture size at the time?)
Hi Dave: OMG you want me to remember the settings? Is it possible to look them up? 
Ever since we did that rework on Pops Finch, I have been generally following the process set out in that experiment. (not exactly, but close, it’s a little different all the time, depending on the shot, and my mood) 
I do all RAW processing including noise reduction but NOT sharpening in LR. Depending on the shot I might do NR again as first step in Elements
When I bring the full size shot into Elements as a PSD file. I play a bit with the levels till it looks right to me, and recently tend to adjust a bit on the light side, as I find the LCE seems to darken things up.
Then I do what I think is referred to as Capture Sharpening with a High Amount (150 – 300) and Radius of .3. At this stage I find it very hard to see a difference and am only doing it because I’m supposed to. It’s hard to explain, but I can see the difference in the final version if I don’t do this step, but when I’m checking the preview zoomed in to 100% and clicking the preview on and off, I really don’t see the difference I just do it.
Before you read the next paragraph, when I refer to LCE (Local Contrast Enhance) I mean the sharpening with High Radius and Lower Amount. I’m not sure if I have the terminology correct, so better define my terms to avoid confusion.
Then I do the LCE sometimes global sometimes Local depending on the shot. On these shots I selected the bird and did LCE locally. I tried a few different things with the selection at this stage – expand, contract different feather settings. Some settings produced very visible halos. With these shots I ended up contracting the selection by 3 pixels and then feathering by 6. These settings got me to the point where I did not notice the halos as much. My sharpening settings are different all the time. I move the Amount and Radius sliders until it looks right to me. Usually in the range of Radius 40-60 and Amount 10-30. At this stage I can see big differences when I click the preview on and off.
When I’ve done as much as I can with levels and sharpening, I do the resize using bicubic sharper
Then I do another USM sharpening on the resized version with regular settings High Amount but not usually as high as the 1st sharpening Amount 100-200 and Radius of .3
Then I resize the canvas for a frame, and then Save as jpg.
Also at some point I convert to 8 bits. I don’t do that until all the Enhancement adjustments are made. If I have not been forced to convert for cloning or whatever, I do the 8 bit conversion just before saving (Or after trying to save and finding that jpg is not available at which point I realize that I have not done the conversion)
These subtle halos are difficult for me. I’m not sure if I will be able to deal with them properly until my screen is calibrated. Once I have noticed them, I can’t seem to get rid of them, or I think they are gone and then they seem to show up again. Sometimes they come and go and seem to travel around the edges. That probably does not make sense, so when they start moving around it’s probably stress related. 
Open to any suggesions.