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Thread: Smoke Wizardry

  1. #1

    Smoke Wizardry

    Two photographs, smoke from an incence stick on a black background and my hand blended and colorized using photoshop.

    Smoke Wizardry

  2. #2
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Smoke Wizardry

    Cor; I gave up smoking a month ago and now I see nothing but smoke and ciggies everywhere. This is very clever.

  3. #3
    David's Avatar
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    Re: Smoke Wizardry

    Hi Pawal - Only one photo showing at the moment. Looks very smart. I'm showing my age, but it reminds me of a TV show in the UK, decades ago, before colour. It was hosted by a magician called David Nixon and each week it featured a clever wheeze of TV magic. Nixon would hold out his hand, as in you photo, and a beautiful nymphet (or fairy as we were allowed to call them in those days) would appear and dance about on his hand. All very clever and totally enthralling to a young boy. Ah, those were the days! Does anyone else remember David Nixon?



  4. #4

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    Re: Smoke Wizardry

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    Cor; I gave up smoking a month ago and now I see nothing but smoke and ciggies everywhere. This is very clever.
    Congrats on the smoking Arith. How did you do it? Based on your reaction to this clever photo, I take it you are still having a bit of a problem. Keep up the good work though!!! These days when I quit it's for hours not months You've done good.

    Sorry Pawel: It is indeed a clever shot.

  5. #5
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Smoke Wizardry

    Cheers Wendy; I was told it gets easier the longer you stay off them but last night I was pulling my teeth out with a pair of rusty pliers to take my mind of it. Well maybe a bit of an exaggeration but not far out. I actually gave them up in the eighties and stayed smoke free for ten years but I smoked only ten a week before that, and proper ones not roll ups. I was smoking about an ounce of very strong stuff a week a month ago.

    David Nixon, was my hero and I used to entertain the masses with my card tricks when I was a kid, which was done with smoke and mirrors there I go again.

  6. #6

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    Re: Smoke Wizardry

    Hang in there Arith - set up a photo shoot to take your mind off it. You did say something about toothbrushes one time... but I haven't seen them yet (yes I know you were joking, but they should not make you think of ciggies)

  7. #7

    Re: Smoke Wizardry

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Hi Pawel - Only one photo showing at the moment.
    I'm new at this forum and new to photography to be honest - I got my first dslr less than a month ago. I've seen so many beautiful photographs and photomontages that now I hate all my work and it's hard to show something to people Hopefully, I will more to show you guys since I try to shoot everyday and SPRING IS COMING AT LAST!

    PS. Sorry about the smoking reminder Arith :P

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Smoke Wizardry

    Quote Originally Posted by Pawel View Post
    ~ I've seen so many beautiful photographs and photomontages that now I hate all my work and it's hard to show something to people Hopefully, I will more to show you guys since I try to shoot everyday and SPRING IS COMING AT LAST!
    Hi Pawel,

    You really have no need to hate it, this is a very reasonable first go, the only suggestion I might make is that the colour temperature of the hand image looks a little 'cool' compared to the smoke - a warmer, more sympathetic tone on the hand (yours?) or possibly even some coloured glow added to the palm and fingers would help integrate the two.

    As I say, a good effort, well done,

  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Smoke Wizardry

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Only one photo showing at the moment. ~ Does anyone else remember David Nixon?
    Hi David,

    OMG - Yes now I feel old

    I think Pawel's "two photographs" refers to it being a 'composite', but I bet you've worked that out by now


  10. #10

    Re: Smoke Wizardry


    Nice image I wish I could say it is terribly executed...but I can't. The only comment is that the smoke is too solid. I think it needs a more ethereal feel to it. In its present form the image is a little to close to a graphic (says me) which is not a bad thing in itself but at present the image is somewhere in between. It is a really fine balance trying to keep the photo feel. You never need to hesitate showing your work on this forum you will get an honest and constructive feedback.


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