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Thread: Compositing to increase DOF in low light shots

  1. #1

    Compositing to increase DOF in low light shots

    Hi - I'm new to the site, so apologies if already covered (had a quick look, couldn't see anything). I'm interested in night time photography and want to increase DOF in shots. Is there any software that does this job well and that I should look at?



  2. #2
    Amberglass's Avatar
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    Jul 2009

    Re: Compositingto increase DOF in low light shots

    Hi Paul and Welcome,

    First off you have to a lens that's capable of having increase DOF which means going with an aperture (f stop) of f8 and/or use a wide angle lens of 14-35 mm.

    Watch these videos:
    Last edited by Amberglass; 13th February 2010 at 01:35 PM.

  3. #3
    RobO's Avatar
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    Lincolnshire, UK

    Re: Compositingto increase DOF in low light shots


    Here is some technical background info on shooting in low light - from this excellent site -

    I hope it helps your specific interests.


  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Compositingto increase DOF in low light shots

    Quote Originally Posted by ptphoto View Post
    Hi - I'm new to the site, so apologies if already covered (had a quick look, couldn't see anything). I'm interested in night time photography and want to increase DOF in shots. Is there any software that does this job well and that I should look at?



    Do you have a photograph that is out of focus? You mentioned software as a solution.

  5. #5

    Re: Compositingto increase DOF in low light shots

    Thanks for the replies.
    I have a wide angle lens.
    Most cases ok for night-time shots - I can set to infinity with manual focus etc
    In some cases I lose some foreground
    What I want to do is shoot at different DOFs so that I can capture some foreground & then combine the images to give a composite with very deep DOF
    Have googled & there does seem to be software that will do this (CombineZM?, Helicon Focus?).
    Wondered if anyone had experience of this & if so which solution works best?
    Thanks again


  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Compositingto increase DOF in low light shots


    Based on your first post it sounded like you wanted to improve the quality of photos you had already taken. Helicon Focus will probably help you.

    Helicon Focus
    Helicon Focus is a program that creates one completely focused image from several partially focused images by combining the focused areas.
    The program is designed for macrophotography, microphotography and hyperfocal landscape photography to cope with the shallow depth-of-field problem.
    Some cameras, Nikon especially, have what is called "Best Shot Selector" which will take multiple shots and save the one that is most in focus. Nikon also has a feature called Multi-Shot 16 which will take sixteen photos of a given scene and combine them into one a single photo.

    If you want to create a photo with increased depth-of-field and not have to edit later, other than for exposure, cropping, or color adjustments, then follow the links provided by the other members. If you get the shot near perfect by using the features of your camera, you can save yourself a lot of time trying to make adjustments through software.

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