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Thread: Lovely Face

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Lovely Face

    I didn't know how to post the full face image on my reply to Antonio's request for a full face image of Alyssa so I posted the images in this manner. IMO, she is every bit as lovely full face as are her eyes alone. She is also very patient and is a wonderful model. I think that she has classic features.


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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 13th February 2010 at 07:16 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: Lovely Face

    An excellent model, with, as you say, classical features. I think the shots would have been slightly improved on the composition with the eyes a little higher up the frame towards the top third line. Lovely lighting.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Lovely Face

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    An excellent model, with, as you say, classical features. I think the shots would have been slightly improved on the composition with the eyes a little higher up the frame towards the top third line. Lovely lighting.
    Well spotted Rob, yes they are a bit half way (or more) down the frame.

    I dunno, would a slighter lower viewpoint, or less downward tilted head pose help?
    Not my area of experience, so perhaps I'd better shut up, or better still, find a model and have a go (now there's a really scary idea)


  4. #4
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Lovely Face

    Rpcrowe, thank you posting the hole face of this young woman.
    She is a pleasure to look at.

    I do not have any experience how to make portraits on a studio, so please consider my words with this in mind.
    In the first shot I don't like very much neither her face nor her ear.
    What do I mean by her face ? Not that her face is not nice no, but it lacks expression. For me it looks more: "I am here, go on and take my picture" style. I hope you understand what I mean.
    She has a kind of neutral expression. I would expect something more committed, more sensual, more daring, more bold. (these are all synonymous aren't they ?)

    What doesn't happen exactly with the second picture. She is more cooperative, more involved in the cation, with some smile in her eyes. Even her mouth - I should perhaps just say Her mouth instead - is contributing to the general feeling of sensuality and pleasure.

    But let me go back to the ear. It is definitively too present in the frame, too important. Maybe if her hair would follow down and... oh I don't know. Would have to try.

    On the second shot she shouldn't have that piece of cloth - I don't know how to say it another way, so it is OK - on her shoulder. Just clone it or... better yet: reshoot accentuating the sensual mood of the model.

    And again that ear... and maybe a different hair style not so "high", more voluptuous, more sensual (me again with sensuality)

    Now one last thing: I feel that the light is too harsh ( !!! ) and that it would be necessary to add a reflection on the other side.
    But here, what do I know ? Nothing as I have no experience on this matter.

    Have I been too harsh ? I didn't want to... Sorry. I tried to be as honest as I could.

    I do like the background, the canvas and it's style.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Lovely Face

    Antonio... Not at all harsh.. I was looking at her ear and played around with a few solutions such as selecting it and using a blur filter, selecting it and toning down the brightness (or a combination of these two). I even played around with cropping it out entirely but that didn't work very well. I would like to shoot with her again when I have more time for the photo session. The unusual thing is that I didn't really like the image of her eyes alone until the eyes were balanced but, I like the unbalanced eyes in a full face image because they give an impression of a slight wink in her left eye.

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