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Thread: Tree Stump

  1. #1
    Crabbe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Eastern Shore of the Chesapeak Bay, Maryland, USA
    Real Name
    Charley Simpson

    Tree Stump

    Sony DSC-H5; 1/1600sec; f5.6; ISO 200; High noon on a beach. This is my first arrempt at posting a picture. I hope it works. C&C welcome.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Re: Tree Stump

    No image is displayed.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Stump

    Quote Originally Posted by Crabbe View Post
    Sony DSC-H5; 1/1600sec; f5.6; ISO 200; High noon on a beach. This is my first arrempt at posting a picture.
    I hope it works.
    Hi Charley,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me, with apologies this "didn't work".

    As Yan says, there's no image here, where did you leave it?
    Was it supposed to be hosted here at CiC somewhere (album or attachment), TinyPic or did you try linking from somewhere else?

    I'd like to help if I can, but there is no clue in the post or in your profile.

    I am still getting the hang of the new interface for image hosting here myself, so don't worry if you've done something wrong - I did it only yesterday


  4. #4
    Crabbe's Avatar
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    Feb 2010
    Eastern Shore of the Chesapeak Bay, Maryland, USA
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    Charley Simpson

    Re: Tree Stump

    Dave - many thanks for the sympathy. I did the following:from Forum:Nature % Architecture I clicked "Post New Thread". Title:Tree Stump. Completed message area. Went to additional options; upload images via TinyPic. Selected image from my files and clicked upload now. YOU SAW THE RESULT. What did I do wrong? (It's snowing here and will be for the next 18-24 hrs so I can't go out and shoot.) I'll try the upload from this 'quick reply'.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Tree Stump

    As it happens, I am in the process of re-writing my previous image posting instructions, and was going to do TinyPic tonight

    I have already used TinyPic once tonight, so it does work.
    What you missed out was highlighting and copying the text visible inside the little box called "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards:" and pasting it into the message.
    I agree it isn't that intuitive.
    After the upload, when it says "Success!":
    RIGHT click in the IMG Code box and it should all go blue (or whatever your highlight colour is) - select "Copy" from the menu (or use Ctrl+C).
    Now put mouse into forum post beneath your words and either right click and select "Paste", or use Ctrl+V.
    Then Post the message.

    You should now see the image.
    Once you have done it here, I'll create a new thread (or you can) and I'll delete this one.
    I suggest this as I cannot see a way to use TinyPic when you edit a Post, only when you first start, or use quick reply


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