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Thread: Highway to hell

  1. #1
    kaskais's Avatar
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    Fernando Cascais

    Highway to hell

    Highway to hell

  2. #2

    Re: Highway to hell

    fantastic pic, if i may say so quite mysterious too cant put my thots into words one can really freak out in different directions mentally,if one is not careful and strong, spiritually the earth is mesmerizingthe sky looks powerful.......the title "highway to hell" is funny and amusing!

  3. #3
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Highway to hell

    A beautifully rendered abstract.

    The two distant vertical objects (towers) are vital to the composition. I do like the detail in the sand with individual grains giving way to a sea like texture as the eye move away.

    The bar that is central to the whole picture seems to have lost some clarity, although this might be the compression?

    Another signature Kaskais shot, there is a lot for others to learn and gain motivation from here, with relatively obtuse subjects creating a stunning visual.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Highway to hell

    I agree entirely with the above statements, it is a stunning image...

    Quote Originally Posted by shreds View Post
    Another signature Kaskais shot, there is a lot for others to learn and gain motivation from here, with relatively obtuse subjects creating a stunning visual.
    .. and quite inspiring, one is led to think; it's a simple enough concept, why didn't I think of that, and do something about it. However, I've always felt that producing a very high contrast, orange tinted or colourful shot in this forum would just be seen as a pale* imitation, without the originality of idea, hence why I haven't tried.

    It is a shame we never actually discover how Kaskais produces the images, with that info, we could learn more. Although it would spoil the mysterious aura he holds in this forum.

    Hang on a moment, here is a new thought:
    perhaps Kaskais unwritten desire is that we DO try to imitate**, by whatever means we can, and in that process we will learn much, much more than if he had told us how each image was made.

    I feel motivated already, thanks to shreds (for the thought) and of course Kaskais.

    Regards, Dave

    * please forgive the pun
    ** imitation being the sincerist form of flattery

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