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Thread: Crop alternatives

  1. #1

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    Crop alternatives

    Crop alternatives

    Crop alternatives

    Crop alternatives

    I'm trying to get the best crop for this sunset: I'm printing an 8x10 to be framed as a gift.

    The first one is mostly uncropped: postprocessed, a boat removed that I didn't want in there, and colors fixed as I want them.

    The second image is the crop I keep coming back to: it has the sun smack in the center horizontally, and the horizon just a bit above center. As everyone says, you sometimes want to break the rule of thirds, and maybe this is the time. A sunset by nature looks dynamic, and the diagonals in the sky draw the focus.

    The third image is a crop that tries get the sun out of dead center, using a buoy for balance. But I think I'd need something like a big, pretty sailboat to balance it.

    Would you center the sun? Something completely different? I also tried moving the horizon to 1/3 from top or bottom, but the sky and the colors in the foreground water are key to the shot.


  2. #2
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: Crop alternatives

    Number 2 works for me, because it is showing what a person would be looking at. Unless there is something commanding in the picture to draw the attention off center, these work better with the sun centered. My opinion is worth about what you paid for it. Perhaps a little less than that.


  3. #3

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    Re: Crop alternatives

    for 10x8 composition
    I would prefer this composition..I have also brighten image little this is my liking..

    Crop alternatives

  4. #4
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Crop alternatives

    Hi Rick,

    This is how I would crop it. It probably looks too classic to you

    I also cloned out a few of the birds and the ship on the right side.

    Crop alternatives

  5. #5

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    Re: Crop alternatives

    Quote Originally Posted by Alis View Post
    Hi Rick,

    This is how I would crop it. It probably looks too classic to you

    I also cloned out a few of the birds and the ship on the right side.

    Crop alternatives

    Hi Ali,

    Rick wants to make print 10x8.. How your composition will fit in it

  6. #6
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Crop alternatives

    Quote Originally Posted by ashwin View Post
    Hi Ali,

    Rick wants to make print 10x8.. How your composition will fit in it
    I know. I was implying that the dimentions he has chosen does not work with this picture!

    May be he can have a uneven margin around the picture?

  7. #7

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    Re: Crop alternatives

    To me, the first and the third ones (of the original three) are the thoughts of someone who is distracted by something else in their life. They might make sense in a wider context. The second one (centred) is the natural way to contemplate the scene for its own sake. That is probably what you want for this purpose.


  8. #8

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    Re: Crop alternatives

    Ashwin, I could probably lighten it some: I want to be really careful about that, because that's where some of the richness comes from. But I may be keeping it down too much.

    Ali, that's a very interesting wide crop. Ashwin is right that I'm planning on 8x10, but it doesn't have to be symmetrically matted. It expands the view some - I'll try that some.

    Thanks for the ideas!


  9. #9

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    Re: Crop alternatives

    Quote Originally Posted by PopsPhotos View Post
    Number 2 works for me, because it is showing what a person would be looking at. Unless there is something commanding in the picture to draw the attention off center, these work better with the sun centered.
    Quote Originally Posted by will_c View Post
    To me, the first and the third ones (of the original three) are the thoughts of someone who is distracted by something else in their life. They might make sense in a wider context. The second one (centred) is the natural way to contemplate the scene for its own sake. That is probably what you want for this purpose.
    You've both put this into words, which I was unable to do. As I said to start with, the centered crop was the one I kept coming back to. As you say, if there are other things in the picture, it could be composed differently. I wouldn't put 4 or 5 sunsets, all centered, on my walls, but one is nice. And this is a gift for someone who also enjoyed sunsets at Key West, and will certainly remember it as gazing at the sunset.

    Thanks a million.


  10. #10

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    Re: Crop alternatives

    I would crop No. 2 a little bit tighter, from the sides and bottom; but not quite as far as Ashwin's example.

  11. #11

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    Re: Crop alternatives

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I would crop No. 2 a little bit tighter, from the sides and bottom; but not quite as far as Ashwin's example.
    Do you mean the second crop, or the second image? Ashwin's example had the sun off the center, which my second possible crop had.


  12. #12

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    Re: Crop alternatives

    I meant the second image (first crop) with the sun centred.

    I would like to remove some of that plain sea area, but that will mean reducing the sides slightly as well in order to print at 10 x 8. Don't crop too heavily though.

  13. #13

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    Re: Crop alternatives

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I meant the second image (first crop) with the sun centred.

    I would like to remove some of that plain sea area, but that will mean reducing the sides slightly as well in order to print at 10 x 8. Don't crop too heavily though.
    Got it, thanks. Within the limits of being printed 8x0, I'll be able to specify the matting: the person I work with for framing is very good. So I could end up with 8 x 9.5, if that turns out better.


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