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Thread: Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park

  1. #1
    bleys's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    British Columbia, Canada

    Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park

    Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park
    This is a picture of some cascades below the actual falls.
    - Nikon D60, 18-55MM@50MM, f/18, 2s, ISO 200
    Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park
    Again, cascades below the falls. This shot I don't like as much as the first.
    - @55MM, f/20, 1s, ISO 200

    I just realized both of these are portrait... I can't really say as to why. I guess at the time it just felt like the right way to do it.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park

    Hi bleys,

    Quote Originally Posted by bleys View Post
    I just realized both of these are portrait... I can't really say as to why. I guess at the time it just felt like the right way to do it.
    I really wouldn't worry about this; it means you have got a subject that fills the frame
    Which is something many overlook when shooting waterfalls (myself included) - they(I) put the falls 'in their context', meaning surrounded by loads of usually underexposed, boring woodland

    I too prefer the first, I think it is the subtle colours.
    The second would benefit fro some "Local Contrast Enhancement" with USM I think.


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