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Thread: Water Lily with D3000

  1. #1
    atlantean's Avatar
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    Water Lily with D3000

    Today the water lilies in my place fully bloomed. So i rushed out and took a few shots. Here are two of them. I really need some comments so, guys, plz help !)
    Thx a lot !


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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 21st January 2010 at 08:36 PM. Reason: add two images inline

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Sahil Jain

    Re: Water Lily with D3000

    Thats a Lilly or a Lotus?

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Water Lily with D3000

    Hi Atlantean,

    Nice shots, although I think there is space for a crop on the left hand side of both to make the subject a bit bigger in the frame. Moreso on first.

    On the first, I would also have been tempted to clone out the straggely dark bit hanging off the right hand petal.

    Good sharp, well exposed shots though.

    Welcome to the CiC forums,

  4. #4
    rogerb's Avatar
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    Re: Water Lily with D3000

    I like second shot with the shadow of the flower.
    If you get a chance, you might try shooting that one again but framing it so the flower is to the upper left and complete shadow in lower right in order to move the subject away from center. Actually, a "portrait" orientation (vertical) might be better in order to show more of the green foliage... Just my humble opinion.
    Last edited by rogerb; 21st January 2010 at 08:55 PM. Reason: editorial

  5. #5
    atlantean's Avatar
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    Re: Water Lily with D3000

    @Sahil: Hi Sahil, thx for bringing up a good question ! You made me doubt myself at first. But a lotus' leaves are well above the water surface. The water lily's leaves just float on water. For more details, follow this link >>>

    @Dave: Thanks a lot. One problem is, i never crop right. Oh, btw, i prefer to leave the "strangely dark bit" there cuz i really enjoy the flower the way it is and, u know, i think it adds more "nature" to the shot. Just my opinion though.

    @rogerb: Hey there, thx for the suggestion ! And yes, definitely i'm going to take a shot of it again, if
    lighting permits ! But it's raining heavily rite now.

  6. #6
    rogerb's Avatar
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    Re: Water Lily with D3000

    Naturally, you'll have to shoot it at exactly the same time of day to get the shadow in the same place


  7. #7
    atlantean's Avatar
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    Re: Water Lily with D3000

    Well, thx roger !
    Anyway, here is one more pic that is quite "off topic". I saw this bird drinking from the same pond with the lilies (wondering if it is called a pond or a moat).
    But i forgot to focus on the bird though.XP

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    Last edited by atlantean; 22nd January 2010 at 01:56 AM. Reason: add an image from attachment for easier viewing

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