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Thread: Testing my new lens

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Brisbane, Australia
    Real Name
    Tony Watts

    Testing my new lens

    I bought a new lens last week, a Canon 70-200 F2.8L II and also a 2x extender. The camera is FF. I wasn't sure how the extender would perform but it seems quite good. What do you think?

    These photographs are not particularly remarkable but they demonstrate what the lens and extender can do. The first breaks one of the rules of composition in that there is not enough space in front but the picture is not cropped at all and it is too late to fix that now. The second image is only slightly cropped at the left hand end. The moon image is fairly heavily cropped but still does not look too bad to me. These are all taken at 200mm, i.e. 400mm with the extender. They are all hand held.

    1. Our rather elderly chook

    Testing my new lens
    056A3597 by tonyw36, on Flickr

    2. The resident carpet python going back to bed

    Testing my new lens
    056A3598 by tonyw36, on Flickr

    3. Taken while I lay on my back on the grass

    Testing my new lens
    056A3563moon by tonyw36, on Flickr

  2. #2
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Allen or "Lurchy" is fine

    Re: Testing my new lens

    tony, i too have this lens, i love it, i use it on my 6D and will be using it on my 60D for extra reach for a moon shot. the moon shot i like, and its amazing how far you can crop and retain alot of detail witht he lens and the right settings, how ever i would use a tripod for the moon next time, perhaps that will give it more of punch

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    wm c boyer

    Re: Testing my new lens

    Lurchy...Lurchy...I gotta ask where that came from? I can't think that you would find many Canon users that don't have, and love, that lens. Anytime I see a Pro at work in our local parks, they use that lens.

    For future reference, my lens purchases are governed a lot by the info gleaned by the MTF characteristics> page 209...I do pixel peep.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Brisbane, Australia
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    Tony Watts

    Re: Testing my new lens

    Chauncey, thanks for the reference. I should spend time reading through all those articles. Unless I have missed something, the MTF is shown only down to a resolution of 30 lines per mm for the different lenses. Since on my camera there are more like 150 pixels per mm, it would be interesting to see values of the MTF approaching that level.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2011
    SE Michigan
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    wm c boyer

    Re: Testing my new lens

    I wouldn't really think that it would change the general drift of the graphs.

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