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Thread: Bath city at night, first HDR for C&C

  1. #1

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    Bath city at night, first HDR for C&C

    HDR gets alot of coverage in alot of areas, so of course ive been tempted to have a dabble. Ive finally gotten to the stage where ive got one that i like the way its come out. Bath city centre at night.

    6 images. 5@iso100, 1,2,4,8,30s +1@iso400, 30s, all keyed in manually. I know its not particularly evenly spaced, and i shouldnt change the iso to change the exposure, but i wanted the low iso for IQ, and dont have a remote to take exposures over 30s, so just used the iso400 to get the sky a bit better exposed.

    Anyway i can drone on forever, C&C please.

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  2. #2

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Bath city at night, first HDR for C&C

    Hi Will,

    Looks good, but I'd be inclined to crop off the top 1/3 and give it a bit of a sharpen for starters.

  3. #3

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    Re: Bath city at night, first HDR for C&C


    I had considered the crop, not sure why i decided against it in the end...
    I feel it looks slightly overshapened now, but maybe thats just me or a result of scaling it down. Composition etc is a more general issue, are there any HDR specific criticisms?

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  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Bath city at night, first HDR for C&C

    Hi Will,

    I was unconvinced by the local contrast, so I had a play; what do you think?
    Bath city at night, first HDR for C&C

    Here's what I did:
    Moved the Black O/P point up to 5 and the White O/P down to 235, thus creating blank areas on the histogram left and right.
    I also moved the I/P grey slider to 0.9 to darken the mid-tones a little.
    Then I did a Local Contrast Enhance with USM: 30%, 100px and 0 th.

    After the above, the sky lighting looked more like flare (to me), so I wiped a large burn tool, set to 50% on mid-tones over the bit above the cathedral.

    Unfortunately, I have destroyed some of the no doubt hard won highlight detail in the process, even after trying to prevent that by setting the white point at 235.


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    Re: Bath city at night, first HDR for C&C

    I think its a bit of an improvement, the buildings look a little clearer now. I wouldnt worry about loosing any of the highlights, theres such a large amount recovered compared to one of the original single shot's it would take alot, i will post one of them for comparison tomorow.

  6. #6

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    Re: Bath city at night, first HDR for C&C

    as promised, one of the LDR source images for comparison

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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th January 2010 at 08:25 PM. Reason: add image inline

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