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Thread: RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    I opened a RAW image and saved it as a DNG and I have inadvertently saved a cropped image as the DNG file...

    I always shoot in RAW and have always opened and worked with my images in the RAW file and then converted the exposure and color corrected (but, uncropped and unsharpened) image as a Photoshop (PSD) file. I would then size and crop the PSD file and sharpen it according to my needs, perhaps place a border around it and save those files as JPEG for printing, emailing or posting on the web.

    The RAW files always remained non-destructed. However, for some strange reason (it seemed like a good idea at the time) I allowed Adobe Bridge to convert my RAW files of my European trip to Adobe Digital Negative...

    My 7D files will usually open to a 21.6" x 14.4" size image which at 240 pixels per inch is 5184 x 3456 pixels. I was shocked and perplexed when I opened a DNG file of this image (which I want to print as a very large canvas)

    RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    The DNG had been saved as 18.25" x 10.72" at 240 pixels per inch or 4380 x 3456 pixels.

    Undoubtedly, what had happened was that when I closed the cropped and re-sized image; Photoshop had asked me if I wanted to save the corrections to the DNG file. I probably mistakenly answered yes resulting in the DNG file being changed!

    It is too small for printing at a large size and I don't have the extra room at top and bottom for the side folds of a stretched canvas print.

    All is not lost however! I have several back-up copies of the original DNG file of this image which I will revert back to.

    But, in the interest of preventing this from happening again, I plan on not opening my images in Bridge and saving then upon opening as a DNG file. I will keep the indestructible RAW files instead! This may not be a problem for everyone but, for a guy who cannot chew gum and walk at the same time, I need to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 30th August 2013 at 12:14 AM.

  2. #2
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    Hi Richard

    I'm at a bit of a loss as to what has gone wrong here. In my experience, any edits you do on a dng file in ACR are non-destructive (including cropping). If you pass the image from ACR to Photoshop (by hitting the Open button), you don't have the option of Saving As a dng from Photoshop. Maybe I'm missing something ?


  3. #3
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    Hi Richard!

    I, too, am having trouble understanding your dilemma.

    I opened a .dng I had that was converted on upload through Bridge. Cropped it, closed it. Re-opened it and cleared the crop no problem.

    I also cropped it, and shot it over to PS. Made an adjustment, hit command-s to save as a .psd. Saved it as a .psd, no mention of anything about saving any changes to the .dng. Re-opend the .dng again and cleared the crop.

    Once in PS there is no option to save as a .dng.

  4. #4

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    Re: RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    I now convert my Raw files to DNG automatically as they are being downloaded through Bridge.

    So they become DNG before any editing work is done in Bridge. Never had any problems returning to re edit any of them.

    There are some crop size option settings available in Bridge, but not normally visible. I wonder if something like that was the cause?

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    Perhaps I can show you what is happening...

    I shoot three images in RAW and download them from my CF Card using Adobe Bridge using the save as DNG opton in Bridge...
    RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    I open RAW image in Camera RAW
    RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    I crop image in Camera RAW
    RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    I open cropped image in Photoshop CS6 and save image as PSD file, then close image
    RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    Now the image has been saved as a cropped DNG image. When I try to open this DNG image in Photoshop it remains cropped
    RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    Opening another image in Camera RAW and adjusting the brightness. I adjusted the brightness way up so that it would be obvious as an adjustment.
    RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    I save the image as a PSD. However, the DNG image also is saved with the adjustments...
    RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    Opening the saved DNG image in Photoshop gives me this...
    RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

  6. #6

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    Hi Richard,

    Not sure if I'm "reading you right" on this or not.

    DNG only saves parametric edit info - no pixels are discarded (in this sense, crop info is no more "permanent" than brightness / saturation / distortion edits).

    You should easily be able to open the DNG in ACR - push the "C" key (to enter crop mode) - and then resize the crop all the way out to 100 (ie the original size).

    Alternatively, you can right-click on the thumbnail whilst in Bridge and undo all edits to the file.

  7. #7
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    Richard in your 5th screen shot, you have two files - DNG TEST 1487.dng and DNG TEST 1487.psd. If you open the first of these two files in ACR and click on the crop icon on the top toolbar, you should be able to change your crop. If you open the second of these files in Photoshop you wont be able to change the crop (because this is a psd file rather than a dng file).

    On a similar but separate note, if you crop in Photoshop rather than ACR, you must have the checkbox "Delete Cropped Pixels" unchecked if you want to make later changes to the crop (after you've saved the psd file). I notice that this check box is checked in your 4th screenshot. To implement a change in crop, select Image, Reveal All and the first crop should disappear.


    PS Looks like Colin was typing at the same time as me. He is effectively saying the same as me in his third par.

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: RAW vs. DNG - this "could" have been a problem!

    Thanks my friends... I was a bit confused but, as always, I have received an answer to my question and a solution to my problem.

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