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Thread: Gis an opinion pls

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    N.Ireland near Derry City
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    Ken Francis

    Gis an opinion pls

    I have been playing with post production and need a little feedback from your eminent selves, Which of the 3 pics below does it for you? I played with the color of the water in the colored pics as the shot is across the Foyle estuary and being estuarine the water is really the color of a badly made cup of tea, a muddy grey.

    Gis an opinion pls

    Gis an opinion pls

    Gis an opinion pls

    Once again many thanks for your time, its always appreciated


  2. #2
    HaseebM's Avatar
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    Re: Gis an opinion pls

    If you just want an opinion which out of those three I prefer, I would go with the first one. However, it seems too much detailing has been done in PP or that water is really that muddy as it looks very unreal, almost painted.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Gis an opinion pls

    #2 for me Ken, it is the only one without significant amounts of sharpened noise

  4. #4
    Adrian's Avatar
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    Re: Gis an opinion pls

    I am fairly indifferent between one and two, and do not much like three, though pressed to choose I agree with Dave no. 1 is too noisy, the sky disturbing me most. The thing I notice most though at first glance is the horizon is apparently not level.

  5. #5

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    Re: Gis an opinion pls

    Quote Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
    The thing I notice most though at first glance is the horizon is apparently not level.
    That is the trouble with sweeping coastlines

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Gis an opinion pls

    I can't say I'm particularly fond of any of them; but if I had to chose, I would have to agree with Dave; #2. The reason for my choice is the balance. The foreground in the other two are too dark, especially the large concrete pier sticking out into the water.

    The problem with vistas is that they seldom reproduce well in an image. While we love the view when we are standing there; the camera can't do it justice. In our images, we are looking for the subject of the image, and here the pier seems to be the only thing that draws our eyes. I don't think that is necessarily what you set out to do.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Gis an opinion pls

    Thanks for the feedback, I agree with the noise and the coastline? well the camera was level and the Donegal hills do sweep down to the sea so it kinda slopes and the curve of the coast makes it seem uneven at the waterline.
    Maybe not the most inspired photoshot ever and Once again all feedback is appreciated. As Grumpydivers' tag says the first 10,000 photographs hey? and yes i am learning that vistas are a problem. I think that the best photos I've taken so far are generally wher a little says a lot i.e. one item taken in close with the background understated heavily can "say" it well. This I have seen used well in urban scapes and I will just have to learn to adapt it for the countryside.
    The main thing I wanted though was feedback on the PP and this was great. I need to be a lot more subtle with things like unsharp mask and even the use of curves.
    All in all a good experience for me and thanks guys.


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