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Thread: Lotus flower

  1. #1
    splashy's Avatar
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    Lotus flower

    Please comment

    Lotus flower

    Lotus flower

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    wm c boyer

    Re: Lotus flower

    The white "halo" in the first one excessively draws the eye...
    the second one could use more depth of field or a focus stacking technique.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Lotus flower

    Hi Splashy,

    I prefer the second, without the white halo.

    I wonder if there was any more texture to be had in the stamen and petals?
    The histogram doesn't look clipped, but I wonder if any over exposure occurred during capture, or perhaps just a (lack of) Depth of Field - the EXIF says f/5 at 135mm, 1/500s at iso100 was used.

    Or possibly because I don't think you cropped this at all in PP, nor did you downsize (and sharpen) before uploading to TinyPic, so I really don't think we're seeing the full potential of the shot. (but correct me if I'm wrong)

    When there's an odd insect on a bloom, I am often tempted to remove it, as it only distracts attention away from the subject - problem is seeing 'em before pressing the button!

    I might try losing some of the 'dead space' either side if I were cropping.

    Hope that helps,

  4. #4
    splashy's Avatar
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    Re: Lotus flower

    Thank you for the comments.
    I knew you would say this about the fly. ;-)

    I will go back one of these day and made a similar picture with a much higher F, I always seem to forget about the DOF when I use the 70 - 300 on a short distance and small F.

    The picture was a little PP'ed on color in LR, the background Causian blur in PS.

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