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Thread: Difference beween SLR zoom and compact camera optical zoom

  1. #1

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    Difference beween SLR zoom and compact camera optical zoom

    I need a clarification on zoom ranges between the SLR and Compact cameras.

    I'm using nikon 55-300 mm which is 5.5 x

    But I'm seeing point and shoot cameras having zoom ranges greater than 15x

    Whats the exact difference in the zoom ranges between these 2 cams.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Difference beween SLR zoom and compact camera optical zoom


  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Difference beween SLR zoom and compact camera optical zoom

    Thilak the concept of zoom range as a magnification factor from shortest to longest focal length is the same for DSLR's and Compacts. It's just not used much for DSLR's, people tend to talk in terms of focal length range in mm.

    Compact cameras have much smaller sensors so their lenses can be much smaller. This makes it easier to design lenses with larger zoom ranges. A compact with x 15 zoom would typically have an actual focal length range of say 6 - 90 mm.


  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Difference beween SLR zoom and compact camera optical zoom

    The other comment that needs to be considered is that the lenses in compact cameras are fairly simple beasts and they do introduce a lot more distortion than even a lens like the one you are looking at. Top of the line pro zoom lenses never have a zoom factor above 3x, just because of some of the optical compromises (i.e. image quality) that would have to be made.

  5. #5

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    Re: Difference beween SLR zoom and compact camera optical zoom

    Though I think it is fair to say that the average person will not notice any great loss of IQ from the greater zoom range lenses... we know it is happening but the state of the art is such that one has to look hard to notice the problem. So if you want to go for the 18-200 I wouldn't hesitate, particularly if it is a Nikon lens ... I currently use a 14-140 on MFT. Convenience over absolute IQ

  6. #6
    CP140's Avatar
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    Re: Difference beween SLR zoom and compact camera optical zoom

    Every zoom lens is a compromise. The greater the zoom range the greater the compromise. Yes, money and good design can minimize the compromises.... but at some point an expensive compromise becomes more expensive than two cheaper lesser compromises.

  7. #7

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    Re: Difference beween SLR zoom and compact camera optical zoom

    Quote Originally Posted by CP140 View Post
    Every zoom lens is a compromise. The greater the zoom range the greater the compromise. Yes, money and good design can minimize the compromises.... but at some point an expensive compromise becomes more expensive than two cheaper lesser compromises.
    You pay for the tool you want. I wanted a large sensor bridge camera which didn't weigh a ton.

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