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Thread: Handy Addition To The 7D

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Handy Addition To The 7D

    Since I am no longer shooting with a 7D and a 40D as my two main cameras, I thought that I might need to get a Really Right Stuff L-Plate for my second 7D. I was quite happy to learn that the RRS L-Plate for my 40D will actually fit the 7D reasonably well. I say "reasonably" because although the L-bracket fits the 7D, I cannot open the access door for the remote socket unless I loosen the L-plate and slide the camera over a bit...

    This is really not any great problem because the only time while shooting that I need to open the door is to attach either the corded remote or the receiver that works with a wireless remote. Using the 40D L-Plate saves over a hundred U.S. Dollars...

    The 7D can use an infrared remote trigger (which previously was only an option with EOS Rebel cameras). I purchased a copy (I think it is a copy, even though it came in an official looking white box with the red Canon logo) of the Canon RC-6 remote. This remote works quite well even when the transmitter is quite close to the camera (as long as it is pointed towards the shutter button side of the camera). So I don't really need to open the access door while shooting...

    The RC-6 copy was quite inexpensive, less than $8 U.S. Dollars, shipping included.

    I like the RC-6 better than other Chinese knockoffs because, I can select either a 2-second delayed shutter actuation (which is nice when I am in the image and want to hide the transmitter) or an instantaneous shutter actuation.

    So I now have three ways to fire my 7D in addition to pressing the shutter button...

    BTW: When the timer is selected, and Auto-Exposure-Bracketing is also selected, firing the camera using the remote release will result in the three bracketed shots with the camera stopping after the three shots are fired. This has been an option of Canon DSLR cameras (including the Rebel series) at least since the Canon D60. I have an old D60 (not the 60D) that I converted to full-time Infra red photography and that old Canon DSLR camera has the three shot and stop AEB burst capability...

    I like to combine 1 stop AEB bracketing along with a minus 1 stop Exposure compensation for night shooting. When the camera is in the evaluative exposure mode, one of the three bracketed shots (first at 2-stops less than the meter reads, second at 1-stop less than the meter reads and the final shot at what the meter reads) will normally give a pretty good exposure. You can also sometimes use the three shots for an HDR composite...

    This, of course is also the option when AEB and burst mode is selected. Using high speed burst, the shots are very close together which help when making a hand-held or monopod supported series of exposures for an HDR composite.

    That is how I have one of my three User Selected modes set up...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 1st June 2013 at 03:22 AM.

  2. #2
    koolkat's Avatar
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    Mike Goodwin

    Re: Handy Addition To The 7D

    Hey Richard, nice setup and I really like it when a plan comes together, "Using the 40D L-Plate saves over a hundred U.S. Dollars..." For some nice desert landscapes I just purchased some "snake chaps" so I'll be somewhat more protected when I take my 7D out for some new location shots. You can never be too protected and I thought they might be worth the price and added weight.

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