Another absolute beauty.
I am assuming you took this knowing it was conversion to B & W. It's that bit about 'seeing' the B&W image that I still need to get better at. So much more powerful than the original colour version on your Flickr page. Love it.
By the way, do you have any information on Freeman's new publication - 'Complete Guide to Black & White Digital Photography'. Can't find any reviews. Is it an update of the volume that you referred to or is it a completely different book. If so, any idea which you would go for?
I think it is great; another one for ideas, got a lot of bridges around here. cheers![]()
Add me to the list of admirers - nice one eNo
ahhh, is that where "eNo" comes from, "oNe" backwards?
Good stuff - this is the kind of composition that I'd never be able to find for myself
My only critical observation was that - to my eye anyway - the texture on the most prominant (and largest) span is just a touch too sharp/contrasty - it draws my eye to it just a little too much. Just a minor observation though.
Actually, when I first took this image, I was going for capture of early morning light, with its warmth and directionality. IOW, I was going for color, but with the idea that this might turn into a B&W conversion candidate, since it possesses 3 features that work well for B&W: light/shadow interplay, strong lines, and textures. As you can see, it also makes a very compelling color image. This is a reprocessed version of a weaker (not as punchy) image I posted here early. As it turns out, some of the local contrast through Curves and layer multiplication techniques I've been using for B&W work quite nicely is most of the very same images I convert to B&W, but in color!
That's the one. Unfortunately, I don't have it here with me to check version, etc., but since I purchased it a month ago from Barnes & Noble, I'm assuming I have the latest print/edition. I can't recommend this book enough. It's a treasure-trove of information, and it has opened my eyes to more than just B&W photography.
The story behind this screen name is a bit embarrassing... Back when I was an absolute geek -- no longer the case, of course -- I went pretty hog-wild on one of the Matrix newsgroups. There was a guy there whose screen name was "Neo" (the main character in the Matrix series, in case you didn't share my interest). As a tongue-in-cheek approach to the subject matter, I named myself "eNo." Since "Neo" was "the One," "eNo" is "oNe" backwards... or "Neo" with the "e" shifted back one slot... brilliant, huh? So you guessed right, but now you have the full picture.
Well, I'll make believe that's a beneficial feature.The sharpness provides a strong foreground interest to draw you in, and the strong lines of that span lead you into the sky. Believe it or not, I focused on that spot of the span and made sure it lined up with the bottom-right corner so that it would form a strong diagonal line. So perhaps I need to be more mindful of the eye getting stuck there rather than traveling through the image when I compose that way.
Nice one dude.
Fantastic composition.
Fantastic Mood.
Just a Fantastic image.