I would really appreciate if I could get some pointers on some of these q...
I was recommended "Real World Color Management by Fraser, Murthy, and Bunting"
I have looked at it but for me it's to many screendumps off Photoshop dialogs.
Being "scientifically schooled" I much prefer a theoretical approach,is there one?
(I do - up to a point - actually implement CM in my own software so I need a theoretical understanding)
The ProPhoto color space "uses" gamma 1.8. Is it possible (practical) to use that on a setup where the screen has gamma 2.2? Or is that the wrong way to think about it?
Is there a way to set up epson 3800's windowsXP driver to accept input in proPhoto in ICM mode?
Finally, say you have a printer with pretty good (I think) profiles from the printer manufacturer - for example an epson pro 3800 - how much of an disadvantage (for an advanced user) would it be to use windows built in colorSpace2printer conversion engine? Is the 16 bit internal resolution an disadvantage? (I understand PhotoShop has a 20 bit engine)