Hi Antonio!
I see a large halo around the whole thing. Was a lot of PP involved?
Also, probably from noise reduction on a jpeg or just bad jpeg conversion, the brown background has a lot of artifacts/ripples with shades of brown in it.
What kind of flower is it?
Heloo Alis
If you comment about the halo is because I missed the point because it is to be with halo, say a little blur around the central point is intentional.
The original image is just fine.
I can't tell you the name of the flower not even in Portuguese because my wife is not here with me now![]()
I was referrring to the blurred whitish border around the flower where it meats the brown background.
I'd call it more of a glow. I like it - it adds a very soft and smooth feeling to the image to what would otherwise be a very hard and uninviting edge. Well done
I agree with Ali, there is something weird going on with the background. Lots of blocky compression artificats and some posterization. I'd mask it all out (create a clean mask from the origional) and blur it, which will work well since its pretty much a solid color. That should fix the issues so the background dosn't grab any attention.
I don't know what to tell you Alis because I see nothing particular and - foe me - the background is very dark brawn.
However, I must tell you that this is an old picture.
OK This is no excuse as this is from a raw file and a raw file is a raw file. Right ?
I just "prepared" another one with the white background but Smugmug is down at the moment and I am blocked. It happens rarely![]()
I am not sure if I like it or not. Just was wondering if it is intentional or it is relaetd to what is going on with the background, like a less than perfect selection/masking...
But now that I look at it, I don't think I like that much of it. May be a soft edge would be enough, this is a wide band of white around the flower, but I agree it is a matter of taste, isn't it?
I understand now what you both mean...
When I shot this I was not a child no,, but I was not experience - still I am not - in CS. I was not even using LR.
And, about LR and CS, you know I use often both programs ?
Not only for the canvas and all that stuff I do, like name and so forth, but to manipulate a bit like correcting perspective, convergences, lens corrections, large cloning which I know very very (twice) little...
Thank you Kent
If I remember and when Smug is up I will post another one with white background as I said before.
Thank you friends
Your opinions and critiques are appreciated.![]()
It is. The effect is very prominate in the image. What I usually do when making artistic adjustments like this is to get it to where I like it, then back it off 10 to 20%. When making adjustments like this I like to ask myself if the effect should be dominating, supporting (moderate), or subtle. While these are completely qualitative words, it helps us determin when to stop - and we usually stop when we've gone just a bit to far (10 to 20% in my case).
I like version with the white background. Nice image!
It’s a slipper orchid, I prefer the white background
Flower with BG changed