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Thread: Day is done, time to come home

  1. #1
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Day is done, time to come home

    When I first got my 50mm prime, I did not think I would like it so much. In fact, I put it on my Canon Rebel XSI. It is almost dusk, here, so I shot at ISO 800, f1.6, shutter speed was 100.

    As it turns out, I have enjoyed it very much. This was shot at f1.6. I will always remember a thread posted on here on CiC a few years about about DoF and f stops and distance from subject, and how they interact. Of all things, it made a real impression on me. Maybe Colin, Donald or Geoff posted. I cannot remember who.

    Thus, I am careful not to go close up when shooting so wide open.

    Day is done, time to come home

    It is more or less a candid. I was afraid to boost the contrast, because I would loose the details in the black horse.

    Please tell me what you think.


  2. #2
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Real nice photograph. Bruce

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Very nice, Marie. Considering your explanation of the aperture that you used, I just have to point out that your depth of field is simply perfect for this scene.

    Keep in mind that you can boost the contrast everywhere except the black horse, and that would be worth trying. To do that, select everything except the horse and use whatever method you're used to using to boost contrast.

    Also consider a crop that brings the viewer into the photo: Crop on the left just shy of the first post and crop about halfway up the bottom. That will bring attention to the interesting meandering of the road in the background and will also position the subjects to render the composition less static.

    Last, consider a subtle vignette, one that you wouldn't necessarily notice but brings attention to the subjects.

    My overall point is that your photo is so nice that it's well worth the trouble to figure out what you could do to take it to the next level.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 10th March 2013 at 06:08 AM.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    I think that this image has enormous potential! I love the way the curving road leads me to the subjects. I agree with Mike regarding the cropping.

  5. #5

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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    You have really captured a beautiful image Diane. Good work! If you make any of the edits suggested by Mike I would love to see them.

  6. #6
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Very nice, Marie! I like Mikes crop suggestion.

  7. #7
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Thanks for your comments everyone.

    Mike, here is the second edit. How does this compare?

    Day is done, time to come home

    I have CS5. I boosted the contrast and brushed away Zach. I applied a vignette, but also burned a bit of the top third and road areas. I did the crop you suggested.

    Please comment.


  8. #8

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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    I think this revision works really well, so much so that I would like to see it in the same size as the first one.

  9. #9
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Day is done, time to come home
    _MG_0067m2 by mariehass, on Flickr

    Sorry about that. Tinypic wouldn't let me upload when I was in reply mode. When I uploaded to on of my albums on CiC, the size of the picture became arbitrarily smaller. I just imported from my Flickr account.

    Last edited by Marie Hass; 10th March 2013 at 12:34 PM.

  10. #10

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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Ahhhhhhh, very nice to be able to review the larger image. By the way, sometimes I need to use the "Go Advanced" button when adding a photo as a reply using TinyPic. You probably experienced the same problem I occasionally have.

    There is something about the first photo that makes me see a man walking with his horses. In your revision, I also see the man's personality.

    Just one more improvement if possible: If the highlights aren't blown in the white mane, bring out the detail in the hair. Try selecting that area and applying a fairly aggressive inverted S-curve. Sorry that I forgot to mention that in my first post.

  11. #11
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Okay, Mike.

    Let's look at this again.

    Day is done, time to come home
    _MG_0067m3 by mariehass, on Flickr

    I ended up having to selectively burn and dodge with almost pencil strokes the mane to get it to look "right". I also added a very tiny catch light to the mare's eye. It looked a bit "dead". The gelding (black horse) already had catch lights there.

    I like this image a lot. It speaks to me. Do you think this picture is printable? I thought of metallic paper? Competition worthy? I have some shows coming up.

    Thank you for everything.


  12. #12

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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Yes! A great final touch that makes all the difference in the world.

    Definitely printable. I don't know anything about competitions, so I can't respond to that issue. I have used metallic paper only once and not with black-and-white, so I also don't know about that.

  13. #13
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Mike, thank you so much for guiding me through this process. One can really see the progression from a "good start" to a finished product.

    Not sure on paper. I use WHCC, and they have a large variety.

    Again, many thanks,


  14. #14
    Aforns's Avatar
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Like it a lot Marie Reposts keep getting better and actually there is no end to the tweaks one can do.

    Excellent work with the 50 !! Actually you could do a lot of work with just a 35, 50 and 90 !!Thats about all I take for travel unless a 21 is thrown in !!

  15. #15
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    That's funny Alfred. I own just about everything else, but not primes. I purchased the 50 with reservations, thinking I would only use it for "special occasions". Guess I had a lot of preconceived notions that had to go totally by the wayside. I am thinking I may have to consider another size.

    Thanks for the support.


  16. #16
    RustBeltRaw's Avatar
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Quote Originally Posted by Marie Hass View Post
    I purchased the 50 with reservations, thinking I would only use it for "special occasions". Guess I had a lot of preconceived notions that had to go totally by the wayside. I am thinking I may have to consider another size.
    Consider a wide prime (20mm or less) if you want a really fun lens. I'm a prime user like Alfred, but I never imagined I'd get so much mileage out of my 20mm f2.8. Surprisingly, it's my most-used lens.

  17. #17
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Day is done, time to come home

    Thanks, Lex

    I will check it out. I have an old faithful 18-55 kit lens that has seen many miles that I need to replace. It has saved me many times when I needed something that wide.


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