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10th November 2009, 11:50 AM
Flickr Photostream
I have started a Flickr photostream and already have nearly filled it to find that only 200 pictures will be displayed at any one time. The rest will be hidden. Does anyone know of alternative sites where I can upload pictures and slideshow them on our web pages? I can of course upgrade to Pro which am happy to do but wanted to research other sites before committing.
10th November 2009, 04:42 PM
Re: Flickr Photostream
I have a Flickr account, and though getting a "pro" account would solve the 200 image limitation, I am managing just fine with the free account. I periodically go through and remove weaker images, and even when I think the overall quality of my images is improving, I still find weak images that I previously counted as "strong." It's an interesting and revealing part of the growth process. One other thing I've started to do on Flickr is limit myself to one image per day. Yes, in a year I will go over 200 images, but again, there's the "weak is out" process.
For me, Flickr isn't my main gallery, so that may play into my thinking. In the end, if you want a place to store an unlimited number of photos, very few places remain where you can do this for free, and those that you can find will display ads around your work and tend to be flyby operations. The days of free hosting are coming to an end. Your call as to whether that's acceptable to you.
10th November 2009, 05:43 PM
Re: Flickr Photostream
Thanks eNo for your thoughts, I have visited both your blog and gallery, finding them both very informative and interesting. Well worth longer look in the future, as my own interests grow with thirst for knowledge and inspirations.
As I am looking to feature 20 pictures on each slideshow for at least 25 birds, plus animals gardens and local places of interest then for $25 per year can hardly grumble.
Last edited by Rod; 10th November 2009 at 06:01 PM.
Reason: Changing signature
10th November 2009, 08:26 PM
Re: Flickr Photostream
Take a look at smugmug. $35ish a year but you do get very flexible layout. Plenty of themes and styles. The only gripe I have is that uploads do not seem as fast as they could be even with 50Mb broadband. Having said that I do not resize
10th November 2009, 10:30 PM
Re: Flickr Photostream
Glad my comments helped a little, Rod. One thing I neglected to mention: Flickr and other social/photo sites can be very adictive. I know I have been spending way too much time there lately, but on the plus side, it has incentivized me to improve my photos before I upload something.
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