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Thread: need some advice on this photo:

  1. #1
    fauxbird's Avatar
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    need some advice on this photo:

    i would like to pick your brains,this weaver bird moved just as i took this shot,would you try and clone out the little bit of movement blur or leave it in?

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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 3rd November 2009 at 11:17 PM. Reason: add image inline

  2. #2
    eNo's Avatar
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    Re: need some advice on this photo:

    Personally I wouldn't try to salvage this image. Birds are tough because they make all these herky-jerky motions in a seemingly random pattern, and it's hard to get them just at the moment when they go still. Sometimes I try burst mode to catch them, but since you used flash, that would not have worked here. You had a tough task here, with tough lighting and a squirmy subject, so don't beat yourself too badly.

  3. #3
    fauxbird's Avatar
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    Re: need some advice on this photo:

    well i didnt think the picture was bad enough to toss as i was thinking of sketching him,besides i have a few decent shots of him anyway,i was just wondering if you had a decent picture and the animal moved a little would you clone out the slight blur or leave it in,you know would the blur add to the picture or subtract from it?

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: need some advice on this photo:

    There's a reasonable picture of a bird with its leg in its beak struggling to get out.

    How's this:
    need some advice on this photo:

    All done with Elements 6:
    Set white to 220, grey to 1.3, Black to 4
    Local Contrast Enhance (20%, 63px, 0th)
    Bit of Focus Magic (Blur, Auto; 1px)
    Crop for a composition
    Clone out a few bits sticking into frame
    Sharpen (USM 115%, 0.3px, 8th)

    Obviousy would have been better with the fullsize pic, but hey, now there's a script for you to follow

    Hope you like it, and that it helps,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th November 2009 at 08:12 PM.

  5. #5
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: need some advice on this photo:

    Got it Dave; I couldn't see anything wrong with the original apart from being small. I can't see that it is all that blurred but a faster shutter speed helps. But anyway, small creatures move fast so I wouldn't think anything less than 1'/250 as good enough to catch something doing something different.

    But then it all depends on focal length and how steady you are I suppose. By the way it is a colourful pic and easy on the eyes.
    Last edited by arith; 4th November 2009 at 11:22 PM. Reason: error

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