Quite an interesting thread...
I agree that in one sense digital did not change much. But that would be looking at one aspect only. For example, let us make a hypothetical metric, and let us call it "worthiness". A "worthy" picture is one that has been reviewed at least once 5 years after being shot. It does not matter whether it was reviewed in print or on a crappy digital frame or a highly calibrated ultra sharp monitor. The fact that somebody found it worth their while to preserve this picture (in whatever form) and view it again or share it with others, makes it worthy.
With this definition in mind, I agree that digital may not have increased the volume of worthy pictures.
However, digital did bring about a revolution. Because of digital, I can take my DSLR and snap away for hours looking to improve my technique while pretending to be getting closer to Colin or Dave's levels

. I may not produce many *worthy* images, but I sure have a great time at no extra cost. It allows the average Joe, yours truly included, an experience that was prohibitively too costly. If a *worthy* picture is the destination, then snapping is the journey. Digital is the great equalizer that allows everyone to simply enjoy the journey.