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Thread: A Beautiful Fall Day in The Country

  1. #1
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Nov 2008
    USA - California
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    Chuck Nelson

    A Beautiful Fall Day in The Country

    The other day I had the opportunity to photograph a beautiful location in Siskiyou County (northern California). The scenery, fall colors and weather were all working together and I felt doubly blessed just to be there and with a camera. I'll share just a few so you can get a feel for the place:


    First up, a horse:

    A Beautiful Fall Day in The Country

    Next, an HDR barn for the horse:

    A Beautiful Fall Day in The Country

    An HDR pasture for the horse:

    A Beautiful Fall Day in The Country

    And, finally, a friend for the horse:

    A Beautiful Fall Day in The Country

  2. #2
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: A Beautiful Fall Day in The Country

    Very nice indeed.

    The only problem I see is the blue of the skies bleeding into the trees in those images where there is a saturated blue sky (with the exception of the first picture).

    I am not sure how to select the edges in these shots but I think since the trees on the hill have a fairly monotone green color, using color range would be a good option. The other option is to take it easy on saturating the sky.

  3. #3
    CNelson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    USA - California
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    Chuck Nelson

    Re: A Beautiful Fall Day in The Country

    Thank you Alis. I agree with your comments. I think the problem was a combination of the way I processed the HDR versions and using a polaroid filter that creates a variation in sky saturation at certain angles.


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