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Thread: A Very Powerful Composition

  1. #1

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    A Very Powerful Composition

    Get it? Get it? (I hope not).

    A Very Powerful Composition

    Just a bit of a fun - shot whilst out on a short walk tonight. A bit of a story behind it though ...

    ... the house you can see at the bottom is one that I used to rent - and it used to have a tree just out of frame to the left. That tree was a GREAT tree - problem is, it grew so tall it grew right up into the 33,000 volt power lines above. One day I got a knock on the door and answered it to find a couple of electricity working basically pointing out "err - you have a tree growing into 33,000 volt lines" (hint, not a good thing when it's raining and people are near the tree). So ...

    ... they had a 1-off offer - they'll either trim it back or cut it down, but it's a once-only offer - after that the owners would have to pay for it. I was really supposed to get permission since it wasn't my house, but I know from experience that getting these kinds of things done is as rare as hens teeth - so I took the position that "forgiveness is easier to get than permission" and told them to cut it down (fix the issue once and for all).

    Boy - I can tell you that that went down a treat when word got back to the owners! (not!). No regrets though - don't know about you lot, but I'd rather upset the owners than risk someone getting electrocuted on 33KVA lines.

    I've been meaning to shoot this composition for a while - I'm going through a bit of a silhouette phase at the moment (no pun intended for the electricians amongst you!) ("Phase" get it?) (best I quit now while I'm only 5 miles behind!).
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 11th October 2009 at 10:59 AM.

  2. #2
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Truly a "Shocking story", I could see how owners would be so "lit up" over hearing about their tree after the fact. Have you told the "current" owners this story...

  3. #3
    David's Avatar
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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    My resistance to punning commentaries is amply charged by such electric wit. Perhaps the former residence was your Ohm Sweet Ohm? Ugh.


  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Watt a blinking liberty you took

    Were you charged?
    Or did you manage to dissipate their anger?

    I dunno, you think you're such a bright spark!

    While the neighbourhood dogs may be safer, that was one less tree for them to raise a leg at!

    We could keep pylon it on all night ...

  5. #5
    Doughboy's Avatar
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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Lookout everyone, Dave is on a roll here, no stopping him

  6. #6
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Your wit is clearly "conducting" "sparks" throughout this forum.

  7. #7

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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Awwww - you guys just light up me day!

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Glad to see the PP transformed the shot.

    Now there's a stick (two in fact) that I wouldn't want to get hold of the wrong end!

    They're not called kilo-volts for nothing.

    But you must insulate yourself from all this dire humour

  9. #9

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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Glad to see the PP transformed the shot.
    Nah - it was pretty "electric" to start with!

    Now there's a stick (two in fact) that I wouldn't want to get hold of the wrong end!
    Thanks for "enlightening" me Dave - it's "jolted" me into action!

    But you must insulate yourself from all this dire humour
    That's OK - it's pretty "dry" humour, so I don't feel the need to "conduct" myself any differently from normal!

    PS: Nobody has commented on the actual image yet!

  10. #10
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Oh yeah, your right, electrifying Colin simply electrifying.

  11. #11

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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Quote Originally Posted by jacsul View Post
    Oh yeah, your right, electrifying Colin simply electrifying.
    I know - I'm just "tingling" all over

  12. #12
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Nobody has commented on the actual image yet!
    It's better that way, trust me .... (only joking)

    Well, you did say it was "just a bit of fun", so perhaps we didn't realise we should be commenting on the pic; we thought we'd have fun instead

    OK, honestly, my initial thought was the orange blob was a flashover, then I saw it was just a street lamp

    Dunno what else to say really, given the subject, I doubt you'll sell many for wall hanging and although the sky is (of course) a really nice colour, as a whole, it is hardly picturesque.

    I could suggest the chimney is a tad distracting when taken together with the trees and roofline, but do you really need to know this?

    Happy now?
    Or did I take this too seriously?

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 12th October 2009 at 01:16 PM.

  13. #13

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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for the comments Yeah - I'd prefer that the light (and chimney) weren't there - unfortunatly - can't do much about them (I tried cloning them out, but the colour graduation is just too delicate to get away with it (I tried for an hour or so) (easy enough at small sizes, but too obvious bigger).

  14. #14

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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Great image and treatment.
    Cropping to the top 1/3 almost makes it look like a music sheet - Wired for Sound?

  15. #15

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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Hi Howard,

    Thanks for the comments

    To be honest, it just a bit of a "throw away" shot (my term for something that's just a bit of fun, but will never sell) - when I don't get out shooting as often as I'd like I get "fidgety" and have to go walk-abouts with a camera to stop me going stir-crazy!

    It's a good reminder though that often nice things to shoot are right under our noses if we look hard enough for them!

    PS: How are you feeling these days?

  16. #16

    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    This is a nice silhouette photograph. The sun lies just below the horizion and creates a slightly melonchany mood. However, the lamp seems lightly out of place to me. I can't put a finger on what is wrong though. Perhaps the position or colour of it.

  17. #17

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    Re: A Very Powerful Composition

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazing fire View Post
    This is a nice silhouette photograph. The sun lies just below the horizion and creates a slightly melonchany mood. However, the lamp seems lightly out of place to me. I can't put a finger on what is wrong though. Perhaps the position or colour of it.
    I'd love to have "lost the light" (in fact, I spent about an hour on the PC trying). Problem I have is that the lights come on when the ambient light levels fall to a certain level - and the after-glow appears after this time - so about all I can do is try to find a better composition, without the light.

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