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8th October 2009, 10:46 AM
Barcelona Air Race
Hi All - I was lucky enough to spend a few days in Barcelona and encountered, inter alia, an Air Race. With my trusty Canon 40D fitted with the Canon EF 24-105 mm lens, set at 105 mm, f4.5 and Tv 1/3000 sec, I managed to take, using the rapid capture facility, several shots over a few seconds of planes whizzing about. Here's a compilation shot.

Comments and crits are welcome as usual.
8th October 2009, 12:55 PM
Re: Barcelona Air Race
Great shot(s) David,
I'd suggest two things to (in my view) improve the composition/picture;
1) Stretch the canvas vertically by a few percent, say 30 pixels on the 667 height shown here, and clone in more sky - just to separate the top planes prop from the edge of frame
2) Take about 5% (no more) off the left hand edge
Due to unfortunate combinations of angled coastline, islands, inflatables, etc., it looks like a small twist clockwise would help, but the buildings are straight, so I guess leave it alone.
8th October 2009, 06:17 PM
Re: Barcelona Air Race
Hi David
I can't talk but I would have croped it a lot tighter. Tried and do away with most of the background.More a portrait. I would also have left the propeller on the lead plane if I could'nt do that I would have cropped it out and gone for the second, trying to leave a blue sky margin thats only how I would do it
Do you live local to me?
A meet?
8th October 2009, 07:40 PM
Re: Barcelona Air Race
That reminds me of one I did a few years back (I was lucky enough to be able to do it with my tripod though) (Shot at 1 second intervals and stitched)
Last edited by Colin Southern; 10th October 2009 at 08:58 PM.
10th October 2009, 11:53 AM
Re: Barcelona Air Race
Thanks for the comments guys. I had to crop the originals to a very large extent as I was so far from the real action. So that alone would make me hesitate to crop further. Regarding whether the horizon is correct, I had originally squared up the base image upon which all the others were composited. However, I was not satisfied with the result and added plane at the extreme RHS. This however gummed up all the previous background image. So, I got fed up at that stage and left it as it was. Anyway, thanks again and the next time I'm in Barcelona I shall definitely carry a tripod.
10th October 2009, 10:51 PM
Re: Barcelona Air Race
I think you should just lose the top plane and make it look like an AI; it has a very high potential.
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