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Thread: Late Day arrival at Red Rock Canyon

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
    Real Name
    Allan Short

    Late Day arrival at Red Rock Canyon

    Arrived late today, however it was the perfect time as the sun was minutes from setting and just lit up the wall of the left hand side of the car as I drove in. This was again another example of a drive by shooting, I do hate to get out and hike.



    Late Day arrival at Red Rock Canyon

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Bucharest, Romania
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    2 penny for the guess..

    Re: Late Day arrival at Red Rock Canyon

    Hi Allan,

    Beautiful colour, beautiful place....however, image is almost 50-50.
    Also, left bottom corner is a bit dull, looks odd to my eyes.

    This place might "qualify" for panorama ? (crop or re-shoot?)

    Good job anyway,

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Late Day arrival at Red Rock Canyon

    Yes, my thoughts are exactly the same as Leo. Possibly try a slight crop of the sky and left side for maximum impact.

  4. #4
    Ken Curtis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    New Jersey, USA
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    Ken Curtis

    Re: Late Day arrival at Red Rock Canyon

    Hi Allan. You've got a nice image here. The Sun really lit up the rocky structures and painted it a golden color. I like the warm color of the rocks contrasted against the cool blue color in the sky.

    A couple ideas for you to try, the goal being to lock the viewer's eye on the golden rocky structure ... Darken the green trees and crop off the top half of the sky. Next, apply a graduated neutral density filter (using Photoshop) to the sky to darken it.

    I tried the above and it looks better to me, but of course, that is subjective and may not be something that appeals to you. It was just a thought.

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