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Thread: Joe McNally on YouTube

  1. #1

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    Joe McNally on YouTube

    Hi Folks,

    Joe McNally is a nice guy - he's also a photographer who's been at the top of his game for over 30 years. In that time he's shot more covers for the likes of National Geographic & Time Magazine etc than I've ever read - and the list of people that he's shot reads like a master list of the "rich and famous" (Nasa, Blue Angels, Clinton, numerous sports stars & actresses). Unfortunately he shoots Nikon, but hey, nobody is perfect!

    He's got a few videos on YouTube, but I discovered a couple that were well worth a look - VERY inspirational stuff ...

    The first runs for over an hour when he gives an authors presentation at Google (along with many of his reverent photos), and in the second, they capture his (successful) efforts to photograph a lightbulb change ... on the Empire State Building!

    If ever you're in need of photographic inspiration then this is the guy to do it (and none of it "Photoshopped"!)

    His books "The Moment it Clicks" and "The Hot Shoe Diaries" are also excellent (almost compulsary reading in fact).

    Enjoy (and no, he didn't pay me to say this!).

  2. #2
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Joe McNally on YouTube

    Hi Colin,

    I just watched the light bulb video. I had read the story in "The Moment it Clicks" that you suggested but this was much more exciting to see it in video.



  3. #3

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    Yeah - after watching that video I can say that the guy has definately earned my respect!

    What's the most "bold and daring" place that you've put your camera into?
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 30th September 2009 at 08:52 PM.

  4. #4

    Re: Joe McNally on YouTube

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    What's the most "bold and daring" place that you've put your camera into?
    My wife's hands.

  5. #5
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Joe McNally on YouTube

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Yeah - after watching that video I can say that the guy has definately earned my respect!

    What's the most "bold and daring" place that you've put your camera into?
    Less than 100 yards distance from my Son's hands!

    But no, I took with me to the Florida Everglads for an Airboat ride. I had no idea that it will be a wash out. I thought we are going go slow and see some aligators but after a few minutes I thought that my new 5D MKII is gone. I had to cover it witheverything I had for about 10 minutes and thankfully it scaped certain death...

    But this is nothing close to where those guys where shooting in that video!

  6. #6

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    Re: Joe McNally on YouTube

    That settles it Ali - you need a 1Ds3

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Joe McNally on YouTube

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    That settles it Ali - you need a 1Ds3
    That's very generous Colin, could I have one too please?

    I won't say it's the only way you'll make me a Canon shooter, but it is one way

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    Re: Joe McNally on YouTube

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    That's very generous Colin, could I have one too please?

    I won't say it's the only way you'll make me a Canon shooter, but it is one way
    No worries Dave - I'd you both would be so kind as to PM me your credit card details, I'll get the item delivers once payment is approved

  9. #9
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Joe McNally on YouTube

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    No worries Dave - I'd you both would be so kind as to PM me your credit card details, I'll get the item delivers once payment is approved
    I think this is a secure enough site; never had any problem here:

    8928 8298 3847 9201 09/10 (455)

    Dave's camera is on me!

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