There I'm again with one of my shots I'm quite happy about

1/800e F4.5 ISO 100
The only problem is that I'm not completely satisfied with my low-light sunset photos. The photo just doesn't grabs you to make you hang it very large-printed on your wall. I guess a part of it is just the low dynamic range of a compactcamera (reason why I'm saving money for a DSLR) but I recon it way to easy to mark just that as a solution. The learning curve is sometimes quite flat but I hope there are some tips, tricks or whatever that gives you some tools for better shots. Bassically: do you guys have some tips wich were/are usefull for yourself or could you just judge what you see on the photo?
Thanks very much in advance.
about the pp of the photo: In photohsop CS2 I played a bit with the curves to get more contrast and deeper colours in the picture. After a little saturation adjustment and noise reducing with Neat Image plug-in (awesome awsome tool, Thanks for everybody who mentioned this program on the forum) it looked like it does now.