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Thread: The new 007, a view of a Scotland road?

  1. #1

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    The new 007, a view of a Scotland road?

    I just saw the new James Bond movie. At one point he is on a deserted road. The angle of view and the scene look strangely familiar to me although I have never set foot there. Did I see this road here on Cambridge?

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: The new 007, a view of a Scotland road?

    I know they did some filming in Glencoe, arguably amongst the most spectacular and most photographed places in the world, and certainly the UK (Just type Glencoe Pictures into Google and you could be there for months!). Not sure where else they may have done location shooting. I'll need to go and see it. Very likely that amongst us Scots on here we've posted up images of some of the places featured in the movie.
    Last edited by Donald; 11th November 2012 at 01:57 PM.

  3. #3

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    Re: The new 007, a view of a Scotland road?

    Oh yes Donald, I agree, it must have been Glencoe. Its just "magnifique"!

  4. #4

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    Re: The new 007, a view of a Scotland road?

    Donald, I confirm that the scene I was talking about was filmed in the Glencoe region. On the 007 site they mention the name. As for the makeshift castle, I am not sure where they bild it. They made a good show at destroying it. The special effects must have costed a fortune.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: The new 007, a view of a Scotland road?

    Don't know about the castle. They may have used Glen Nevis, which is just down the road from where I grew up. It's seems to be on 'the list' of Scottish locations for movie producers. A lot of the 'Harry Potter' sequences, particularly in the first and early movies were done there, as was 'Braveheart' (remember that?) and several others.

    Am probably going up north to visit my dad this weekend. Going through Glencoe is one of the two main routes I can choose for that journey. May go that way, since you've reminded me how magnificent it is.

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