Originally Posted by
Steve S
Hi arith, first let me say sun rise and sun set is not bad light, it's the VERY BEST LIGHT. It may be low light, but the best .
As far as color balance, i shoot in RAW and use auto WB in the mornings and evenings. Auto WB works very well in the morning and evening, and by shooting in RAW, you can tweek it if needed.
In harder light of the afternoon ; indoors; or with mult. light sources ; i use a manual WB, set with an expo disc.
To check your WB, you can view your RGB histograms . When the right side of all three histograms are even, the the WB is neutral. I usually like it slightly on the warm side, so i make the red and green just slightly to the right of the blue. Colin gave a very good explaination, and it is really up to personal taste of the photographer and what your trying to convey in the photo , as to where you should set it. So in other words, make it neutral---warm it up a bit --- then eyeball it to what looks good to you. If you have several photos in the same light, write the setting down so you make them all the same.
Oh yea, as far as gimp goes, i didn't know anything about it a year ago. It takes some time and effort to learn.................you can view over 100 tutorials on how to use it at meetthegimp.org . You can download gimp and ufRaw for free.