Nice shots.Beautiful dog!Interesting markings.
Hi again Honey,
#1: Nice shot, but Yogibear has beat the auto-focus, his face is a bit soft whereas the gras beside/behind is sharper, this is always a problem, even with expensive DSLRs; pets rarely co-operate for photography and keeping a charging animal sharp is almost impossible.
#2: Good composition, but a shame the grass cuts right through and hides his eye. A little less foreground greenery would help!
#3: Very nice, but you're just a little too close and chopped his feet and tail off
#4 and #5: Not much wrong with these technically, well done.
Practice makes perfect; keep at it, you're improving already.
Thanks Dave, i agree with your comments, it is hard to get yogi to be still for long, he is a lovely subject to shoot though, i will keep practising, like you say practice makes perfect
love hunny xx
Hi Honey,
I was just looking at your auto-sig line, one might also say;
"Photography is a succession of exposures which must be taken to be enjoyed"
.. or put another way, if you don't take it, you or I can't enjoy it!
Who wrote yours?
It is true btw
and more original than my poor facsimilie
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 19th September 2009 at 11:37 AM. Reason: remove duplicate pic
Hi Honey,
In this case I suspect the shutter speed (ss) was a little slow for the movement of playing dogs, so it is blurred for that reason, not being out of focus. The EXIF is blocked on this one, so I cannot see what ss was usedto advise more accurately.
On the solo black dog shot, it was 1/90s at ISO240 and f5.4, so it was obviously quite overcast.
A higher ISO (say800) would help reduce the problem, but give ou more noise - although with practice and expense, this is easily removable in PP.
Thanks Dave, please feel free to remove it and the post and this one too lol, i do get a bit carried away sometimes
so if you can remove anything you feel is inappropiate [can,t spell it]
I managed to put the missing pb pic back on, i didn,t relize if you delete from pb it deletes it everywhere he he, i got a lot to learn, but i am a quick learner lol
Thanks for your help i feel like you are my mentor lol
lots love hunny xxx