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Thread: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    Along with many places in the west Highlands of Scotland and the Western Isles that lie off the coast, the township of Achmelvich has a couple of glorious, quite small, beaches.

    These are my attempts at trying to portray one of the beaches at Achmelvich in, for me, just a slightly different way.

    I'm just off to the city of Glasgow where I'm chairing a national conference tomorrow on the subject of children who place themselves at risk through substance misuse. So, I'll leave you to have a look at these and will catch up with any comments/ideas you care to leave when I get home tomorrow evening (or I might manage to look in from my hotel bedroom later tonight)

    Achmelvich Beach #1

    Two views of Achmelvich Beach
    Canon 40D, EF 24-70 f2.8 L @ mm. ISO100. 1/90s @f5.6

    Achmelvich Beach #2

    Two views of Achmelvich Beach
    Canon 40D, EF 24-70 f2.8 L @ 70mm. ISO100. 1/500 @f2.8

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    I like them both, they bring back childhood memories; I don't like seaweed and it was rarely sunny when we went away. Plus dunes are windy places.

    Mind you, I think the Lake District was as far north as we ever went in those day

    That second shot reminds me of laying, sheltering from the wind, at the edge of the dunes and opening one eye to see what the weather was like


  3. #3

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    Re: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    #1 = good.
    #2 = super.

  4. #4
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    1# does nothing for me, i dont like the angle and find the image un interesting

    2~ stunning drop dead fantastic i love the perspective , depth of field and the pp, well done.

  5. #5
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    Many a Scottish bairn has had a sandwich ( emphasis on the sand) in these dunes...changed their cossie and even had a pee . Memories..beautifully brought to life..thanks Donald.

    I really like the first one too..rolling contours and lovely colours..doesn't need a context for me...peaceful.

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    Hello from the aforementioned hotel room in Glasgow.

    Many thanks for the above comments. I'm very glad they stirred up some past memories, which it did for me as well. I'm also very glad people feel that second one worked. I haven't made an image like this before.

    Just also thought you'd like to know - this hotel I'm staying in was the same one that Roy Rogers (remember him) stayed in when he visited Glasgow. There are photos of Trigger walking up the central staircase.

  7. #7
    Coinneachmhor's Avatar
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    Re: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    like them both Donald - I wonder if#1 would have benefited from a slightly lower angle? As for #2 I have been trying for something like this (now realise I have been DREAMING of something like this!) for the past couple of years every time I visit a particular Breton beach but so far to no avail. As ever you've set the bar very high and posed a question of how any of my attempts may look in B&W.

  8. #8
    Coinneachmhor's Avatar
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    Re: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post

    Just also thought you'd like to know - this hotel I'm staying in was the same one that Roy Rogers (remember him) stayed in when he visited Glasgow. There are photos of Trigger walking up the central staircase.
    Was that what they did before they put the elevators in?

  9. #9

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    Re: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    I like the second very much. I think the simplicity of the composition and the appropriately gentle tones of the B&W makes it work. In the first, the two triangles, the water and the seaweed in the opposite corner, works nicely but it still doesn't quite deliver the impact of the second.

  10. #10

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    Re: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    Love the second image. All I can say is I wish my first attempts at something new turned out so spectacularly well

  11. #11
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    Quote Originally Posted by HMW12 View Post
    Love the second image. All I can say is I wish my first attempts at something new turned out so spectacularly well
    One of my biggest failings, I think, is not always seeing close enough in. I seem to be okay at seeing the composition in the larger landscape, but I fail to get down on my knees and look more closely at smaller detail. This time, fortunately, I managed to get around doing that and, I think, for the same reasons as suggested above above - those memories of hiding in behind the sand dunes on the beach as a child. Only this time has to make sure that sand stayed away from the camera and lens.

  12. #12

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    Re: Two views of Achmelvich Beach

    Image #1: I respect all aspects of the image. Unfortunately, I don't appreciate its style.

    Image #2: Absolutely terrific! There is beach area within hours of my home that has similar grass-strewn sand dunes, wind breaks, etc. Your image makes me want to go there just to do some photography.

    As for Trigger going up the main staircase, I hope someone had a super pooper scooper.

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