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Thread: Tamron 28-200mm. Offered cheap. Do I buy or not?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Abuja, Nigeria.
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    Tamron 28-200mm. Offered cheap. Do I buy or not?

    18-55mm, 70-300mm.....covered. I got this over-exciting offer of a used Tamron 28-200mm f/3.8-5.6 lens from a reputable person. I'll be trying it out later but i gotta ask, will this lens bring anything new or useful to my photography/gear etc. Is it worth it from your own point of view?

    Does anyone own this lens or have previous experience with it?
    I will be using it on Canon 1000D(1.6 crop).

    Price is in naira but when converted, about $40. From someone with an extremely tight budget like myself, it's a price that gladdens me. But then, i consider it a waste to buy something for even $1 if it is useless.

    What do you think?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Tamron 28-200mm. Offered cheap. Do I buy or not?

    It sounds like it could replace your semi-functional 18-55mm lens at all but the shortest range (18-28mm). Normally I would say no to a range that you more or less have got covered, but in this case, it might make sense.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Larry Saideman

    Re: Tamron 28-200mm. Offered cheap. Do I buy or not?

    It is hard for me to judge whether it would offer anything new to you. It depends on how you normally use the kit you have. My first lens on my D90 was a Tamron 28-300. It was great. But, then, I split it up and got a Sigma 17-70 os and a Tamron 70-300 vc (something similar to your kit). Now, I use the superzoom rarely. But, it did come in handy at a soccer game the other day. While I usually use my 70-300, I decided to use the 28-300. Because I could zoom out and see the entire field with the pretty autumn colors, it gave me an entirely different view of the field. Also, while looking through the viewfinder, I could see all the action and zoom in to the ball. The Tammy vc's range is much more restrictive although it is a lot better for the pure action shots. This versatility--going from landscape to action and wildlife--keeps me from selling it. It could also be helpful in situations where you cannot change a lens, hot air ballooning, for instance. Could this versatility be helpful to you? Only you can decide that.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
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    Paul Melkus

    Re: Tamron 28-200mm. Offered cheap. Do I buy or not?

    Think it comes down to what your going to be doing. Have you though about a wider lens or maybe something to replace that 18-55mm kit lens or maybe a fast 35mm prime lens.

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