nice that a bridge support in the backgroudn of number 1?
Both well captured action shots Jim, No 1 being my favourite.
Yep, #1 is one to be pleased with. The solid, imposing structure of the bridge pillar contrasts wonderfully with 'flightiness' of the boats.
I'm gonna stick up for #2 myself.
Partly because I like the way you have caught it with the hull completely clear of the water,
And secondly the craft itself; I am (with increasing years) beginning to appreciate the work that went into that compared to something 3D CAD modelled and effectively cast from digits. OK, I may be underestimating the skill of fibreglass boatbuilding there
That said, they're both good shots.
On the construtive CC side, I might have left a little more 'in front' of the boat (in #2) or, to make the most of the 'boat out of water', go for a tighter crop altogether.
What do you think?
I didn't feel I could improve further upon the PP; it's level with decent contrast range and sharp.
On the nit-picky technical front, a couple of things I noticed when I had it open in the editor were;
- it looks like the red channel has blown, the highlight on the nearest helmet is a give away for me.
- when you re-sized for CiC, did you use bi-cubic sharper? I am going out on a limb here and maybe completely wrong. I think I am discovering bi-cubic sharper isn't always the best option and I am wondering if the chrome rim edge to the boat decking wouldn't have had so many steps in (where it curves up to the pointy bit) if a less agreesive re-size option and a post reduction sharpen had been applied - if I am wrong and that's what you did, shoot me down (but gently).
I feel I have made a disproportionate issue of some very minor issues with #2, I do really like it and would not have spent the time on it if not.
These are a darn good effort considering they are out of your comfort zone.
Well done, Dave
PS, the only other PP I did besides the crop was clone out a bit of pipe laying on the far bank, as this became more noticeable with the tighter crop
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th September 2009 at 08:28 AM. Reason: changed sentence to improve clarity
Thanks,all for your comments.
Hi Dave,
I like your crop better.I cropped close to the front of the boat because there was a safety crew boat showing.When resized I did sharpen again and used bicubic,not bicubic sharpen.
It really helps me to get some feedback from someone with a more critical eye.
Ah yes,the red channel.I'm having some problems with reds blowing easily.I have been trying to find information on how do avoid this.The only thing I have found is,I need to get the white balance nailed.I have seen some improvement with setting CWB with a WhiBal card when shooting red flowers.
Also,shooting the boats I had ISO set a bit too high and I could have gotten away with a larger aperture setting.Stopped down to f/10 was more than I needed.