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Thread: camera freeze shutdown

  1. #1

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    camera freeze shutdown

    My camera is a Nikon P90. Last night[8/27] I was taking pics at a party. Everything was fine and suddenly my camera locked up/paused and wouldn't work for a couple of minutes. A message on the lcd monitor stated the lens cap was on. It was not as I had been taking several photos and cap was in my pocket. I pressed the on/off button and camera shutdown after about a minute. After this the camera worked fine as usual. The manual states this may be caused by a strong external static charge. To fix this turn camera off,remove and replace battery. If this continues contact manufacturer. Now having said all of this-has anyone else had this problem? Any feedback would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Hi Kathy,

    I've not heard of this before; and a quick google only turned up this post (in the first 50) that was anywhere near relevant!

    Hopefully Joy will be back sometime soon (another P90 owner) - she was here this morning.


  3. #3

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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Although I haven't heard of anything quite like this happening, I'm also mindful of the fact that at the end of the day we're dealing with a micro-electronics ... and that these types of things do happen from time to time.

    I'd tend to take the approach of "every dog is allowed one bite" ... if it's under warranty it's probably worth letting someone know that the issue has occured so that should it happen again when the warranty has passed, you may still be able to get it fixed without charge, but I'd probably be inclined to just see what happens in future.

    I had an Error 99 once (and only once) on my Canon 1Ds3 -- was a bit disconcerting at the time, but it was fine before the error, and it's been fine ever since. I had a similar issue with an EF70-200 lens on my 1D3 (reported Aperture F00) - and even my 20D would miss the occasional beat. (same goes for my iPhone).

    I suspect that the biggest problem is "it's designed by a human".

  4. #4

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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Thanks for your input. I read on Google tonight that it is similar to static like what occurs when we get shocked from walking across a carpet or touching something metal in winter. Sounds like it is just a glitch. I certainly hope that is all. One article from Nikon showed a reset button on the camera. Haven't looked for that yet. I hope it is just something that simple. I bought the camera on 6/24/09 so I'm not sure about the warranty.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Hi Kathy,

    Things like reset buttons are very specific and only found on some brands or models, so I wouldn't be too surprised if you don't have one.

    These things are all basically computers running software, so if they glitch, due to static or some odd combination of button presses, switching off and on, especially taking the battery out for 30 seconds (recommended, with care), should force it to re-boot.

    Mobile phones are the same, most people don't think twice about having to do this occasionally.

    As Colin wisely says, for now, just keep an eye on it, you can always make a note on the calendar/in the diary of exactly when it happened first, just in case it happens again and you end up going the warranty route.

    I assume, if you only bought it in June this year from a US retailer, the standard manufacturers 12 warranty will apply.


  6. #6
    Joy's Avatar
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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Quote Originally Posted by kidede View Post
    My camera is a Nikon P90. Last night[8/27] I was taking pics at a party. Everything was fine and suddenly my camera locked up/paused and wouldn't work for a couple of minutes. A message on the lcd monitor stated the lens cap was on. It was not as I had been taking several photos and cap was in my pocket. I pressed the on/off button and camera shutdown after about a minute. After this the camera worked fine as usual. The manual states this may be caused by a strong external static charge. To fix this turn camera off,remove and replace battery. If this continues contact manufacturer. Now having said all of this-has anyone else had this problem? Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Hi kidede.
    once i'd also faced the same problem. then i was zooming & lowered my camera just after taking the picture to see the snap which resulted a little shock on my camera. my lens was totally extended & froze. immediately i turned the camera off but lens was extended. i was seen the same message on my moniter which stated the same instruction & repeatedly tried that but was unsuccessful for a while. then after a number of attempts once i turned my camera on & pressed my lens (but remember, not from the front & just a gentle push ) a little bit then it worked.
    Last edited by Joy; 29th August 2009 at 09:36 AM.

  7. #7
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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post

    Hopefully Joy will be back sometime soon (another P90 owner) - she was here this morning.
    by the way Dave, it's he not she.

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    by the way Dave, it's he not she.
    Ooops, sorry

  9. #9

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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Ooops, sorry
    I'm actually a guy too ... just can't figure out why the kids think I act like "an old woman"!

  10. #10
    Joy's Avatar
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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Ooops, sorry

    all right.

  11. #11
    Joy's Avatar
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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    I'm actually a guy too ... just can't figure out why the kids think I act like "an old woman"!


  12. #12

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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Good morning and thanks. I checked and there is no reset button. I certainly agree about the computers running software idea. I have experienced many computer glitches for no obvious reasons.

    I will definitely make a note of the date this occured. Thanks.
    Last edited by kidede; 29th August 2009 at 11:39 AM.

  13. #13

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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Hello Joy. It is possible that is what happened in my case also. I was taking pics/lowering to check pics quite often that evening. I am sure there could be other causes also. I like this camera so much that it can really rattle you at first when something like this happens-wouldn't you agree?

    I am extremely impressed with this website. The quick responses are great and very much appreciated. Thanks again.

  14. #14
    Joy's Avatar
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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Quote Originally Posted by kidede View Post
    I like this camera so much

    so obviously you are experimenting with it. may we have a look ?

  15. #15

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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    I am going to post some pics as soon as I learn how. Haven't really checked that out yet.

  16. #16
    Joy's Avatar
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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    might be it can help u a bit.

    How do I post images here?

  17. #17
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    Another thing to think about, of which all of us need to be aware. You mentioned you were at a party. That implies music playing, which implies speakers and amplifiers.

    Take note that any computer circuit is very easily disrupted by electromagnetic fields (those weird things which make speaker cones wiggle back and forth.) Using an active camera, or cell phone or any sensitive electronic device near active speakers can upset your device. Large amplifiers can drive you nuts, also.

    I learned much about this when I was working on a project to design a wireless microphone to use on stage. Things settled down much when we went to FM radio transmission.

    Last edited by PopsPhotos; 10th September 2009 at 06:51 PM.

  18. #18

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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    I hope this worked for displaying pics. If not- I don't understand what I did wrong.

  19. #19

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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    camera freeze shutdown

    camera freeze shutdown

    Here are the pics.
    Last edited by kidede; 10th September 2009 at 11:52 AM.

  20. #20

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    Re: camera freeze shutdown

    OK How do I actually see the pics I submitted on here?

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