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Thread: Soca valley

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Maribor, Slovenia

    Soca valley


    I had a great weekend in the valley.
    As usually my Panasonic FZ50 did a nice job in my eyes. Now I need you to confirm that

    Soca valley

    Soca valley

    Soca valley

    Soca valley

    Soca valley

    Soca valley

    Soca valley

  2. #2
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Soca valley

    Great shots.

    In the first few ones from the valley, any thought on how to get rid of that "haze" (or whatever it is called) over the image?

    It would be nice if it was a little bit thicker, like a fog, then you could say it was intentional but now it is masking parts of the picture.

    Was this taken with a polarizer filter? If not, how much do you guys think it will help to get rid of it?
    Last edited by Alis; 20th August 2009 at 07:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Soca valley

    Quote Originally Posted by Alis View Post
    Was this taken with a polarizer filter? If not, how much do you guys think it will help to get rid of it?
    I must test that sometime


    I also wondered whether a UV filter was fitted?

    It's a long way down from the top!
    Love the clarity of the water, but I suspect it's rather cold.

    Nice series of shots, No.6 is a little tightly cropped for my taste and I'm not sure No.2 works, but I can't say why

    One thing I have found recently, if you can, for shots of things like canoeists, etc. - in fact almost any sport, have the camera in burst mode and always take 2 or 3, that way you can select one in PP to avoid using shots with "unfortunate coincidences" like hands, arms or oars obscuring faces.


  4. #4

    Re: Soca valley

    Not much time Tari but I just wanted to say that No2 is a cracking shot. The depth of field is spot on for me. I think the landscapes probably needed to be shot later in the day (not always possible I know). The action shots look good to me.


  5. #5

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    Re: Soca valley

    I also like #2 shot, very unique and attracted my attention immediately.

  6. #6

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    Re: Soca valley

    Quote Originally Posted by Alis View Post
    Great shots.

    In the first few ones from the valley, any thought on how to get rid of that "haze" (or whatever it is called) over the image?

    It would be nice if it was a little bit thicker, like a fog, then you could say it was intentional but now it is masking parts of the picture.

    Was this taken with a polarizer filter? If not, how much do you guys think it will help to get rid of it?
    I do not use filters. Nothing. FZ50 and a tripod is the only equipment I have. Some time ago a friend gave me some testing glasses with UV protection but the photos are to fuzzy with them.
    The sun was very strong at the time the photos were taken - around 10-11am (goes for #1, #3 and #4) and no clouds at all. Yes I know... that is kinda late for photos like this. But going onto the mountain at later hours (to get nice afternoon sun) would be just to much for me (it was already 30șC at 11am).

    And this is one photo from #1 as it was taken. No PP, just resize.

    Soca valley

    As you can see, there is not much I could do in PP. In a couple of weeks I am going back to the valley and will try to get on top at 7am for a nice morning sun

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Love the clarity of the water, but I suspect it's rather cold.

    Nice series of shots, No.6 is a little tightly cropped for my taste and I'm not sure No.2 works, but I can't say why
    At this time of the year water has 12-13șC. It was a nice 5 sec swim for me hehe
    No crop in #6 at all. #2 was taken just to get the view of the mountain from the walley where #1,3 and 4 were taken. It turned up great in my eyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    One thing I have found recently, if you can, for shots of things like canoeists, etc. - in fact almost any sport, have the camera in burst mode and always take 2 or 3, that way you can select one in PP to avoid using shots with "unfortunate coincidences" like hands, arms or oars obscuring faces.
    I'm still a newbie in photography and every photo I take is still, more or less, just a learnig process. With trying to get a good photo in a single shot is far more challenging than just shoting all over the place in bursting and hopping for at least one good photo
    On the other hand, FZ50 is slow so I am using burst mostly for HDR.

  7. #7

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    Re: Soca valley

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Not much time Tari but I just wanted to say that No2 is a cracking shot. The depth of field is spot on for me. I think the landscapes probably needed to be shot later in the day (not always possible I know). The action shots look good to me.

    Thanks. And I agree with landscape later time. Or mybe early in the morning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yan Zhang View Post
    I also like #2 shot, very unique and attracted my attention immediately.

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Soca valley

    Quote Originally Posted by TARI View Post
    Some time ago a friend gave me some testing glasses with UV protection but the photos are to fuzzy with them.
    Not sure what you mean by that, but I would recommend a UV filter (no hard proof to back it though)

    Quote Originally Posted by TARI View Post
    No crop in #6 at all.
    So don't zoom in as much next time

    Quote Originally Posted by TARI View Post
    #2 was taken just to get the view of the mountain from the walley where #1,3 and 4 were taken. It turned up great in my eyes
    That's the main thing, what I think doesn't matter (seriously - it doesn't)

    Quote Originally Posted by TARI View Post
    I'm still a newbie in photography and every photo I take is still, more or less, just a learnig process. With trying to get a good photo in a single shot is far more challenging than just shooting all over the place in bursting and hoping for at least one good photo
    That's why I suggested improving your chances of success
    My view is, with Sports photography, if it's good enough for Pros to use burst mode, why not me too (or you)

    Quote Originally Posted by TARI View Post
    On the other hand, FZ50 is slow so I am using burst mostly for HDR.
    I can sympathise with the speed issue, my Fuji isn't quick either, especially in RAW (if that's what you are using).

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