Love the composition, the 'leading lines' work for me on a lot of levels. Was the wall entirely devoid of detail as captured or did you push it there during post processing?
cneeda, Kaskais chooses not to reply to posts but I do agree this is a stunning image. The only thing I can fault (for me) is that I would have cloned out the cladding to the left. That is academic however because I would never have captured this shot in the first place
I really like the way his images are reduced to the bare essentials. The cladding doesn't bother me, the extreme contrast between the wall and the person in the foreground are almost too much though.
In my experience, with Kaskais, the man almost certainly was there.
The sun is almost directly on his shoulder, high and at almost 90 degrees to the man, wall and diving board. From where the camera is, you wouldn't see a shadow side to him - well actually you can, but it's not on his face.
Where do you find the EXIF info?
mr. newbie
Where we said last time you askedWhere do you find the EXIF info?
mr. newbie![]()
What browser are you using?
Update for mr. newbie (aka cneedha)
I have now added something here that may help.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 22nd August 2009 at 09:22 AM.
I knew I had asked that before. I can't see the post in firefox or explorer until I click on 'here'. I'm having that kind of weekSorry to torture you.
No worries Chris, I had a day like that today; I deleted the entire Hall of Fame thread!
The second "here" (in post #10) maybe better, assuming it'll work on an iMac.