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Thread: Ricoh

  1. #1
    Fstop Manalo's Avatar
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    Hey guys. My dad gave me an old Ricoh KR-5 Super II. Looks cool. Its got a 50mm f1.7 lens. This is the first film camera ive ever used. are lenses of these aged camera still easy to find?? Oh and feel free to comment about the camera or any advice about it. Oh and i also want to ask, how do you transfer your film pictures to the computer?? Thanks for the comments and replies
    Last edited by Fstop Manalo; 4th August 2012 at 01:37 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Ricoh

    This camera is using Pentax k mount. so, you can found lot of lenses.
    see this

    regarding film to digital you need
    dark room setup,
    a quality scanner,
    a good post processing software.

    my personal opinion is, film means more cost and time.
    yes. more quality when you use medium format and high grade scanner.

    anyway, congrats for your first film camera.


  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Ricoh

    Not to burst any bubbles but, the Ricoh film cameras were mid-grade units, below Nikon, Canon, Pentax and Olympus in quality.

    IMO, generally crop format digital cameras with good lenses provide better results that the mid-grade film SLR cameras did in their times.

    It might be fun to run a roll or two through the old camera but, I would not consider it for anything serious...

  4. #4
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: Ricoh

    Quote Originally Posted by Fstop Manalo View Post
    Oh and I also want to ask, how do you transfer your film pictures to the computer?? Thanks for the comments and replies
    Slides must be scanned and digitized by a high quality scanner. By the time you've bought film, had it developed, and scanned, the cost becomes very high. And my six/seven year old 30D will give better results.

    Now we know why film has almost disappeared, and why it will be extinct.


  5. #5

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    Re: Ricoh

    Depending of the result you want you can use your digital camera to copy the negatives [ or positives ]. Even my old 5Mp camera gave me acceptable results from old snapshots. You need to fill the digital frame with the negative as close as possible which may mean you need a close-up lens, maybe not. Organise a white background behind the negative and AWB will sort out color balance...I used facial tissue on one occasion, in copying 35mm slides, hanging behind the slides with window [ north light] behind. Negative are then reversed in your editing programme.
    As with DSLRs it is the lens and with SLRs the film also which determines quality so while the Ricoh lens may not be up to the highest standard it is worth a check and maybe advancing to a better lens as suggested above. In most situations a lens hood is likely to be important towards IQ. I was brought up to believe a camera wasn't a camera if it didn't have a lens hood Less important with modern lenses.
    So if you are going to shoot Black and White all you need is a daylight developing tank and a light tight room or loading bag. Sit in the room for a few minutes and you will find out if it is really light tight as you eyes become accustomed to the darkness [or otherwise ] There are other things to consider such as a dust free area to hang the film to dry and disposal of used chemicals.
    Last edited by jcuknz; 9th August 2012 at 03:38 AM.

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