i visited marrakech a couple of years ago, unfortuantely my camera broke just after getting there, such a shame a great place. And some very nice shots caught there by you.
Hi Antonio - Some good shots here, especially No. 2. I've been to Morocco recently and posted some efforts on CiC, I think you commented kindly on one. Photo 2 strikes a chord in my memory, partly because you have used a monochrome presentation. Sometimes the colours in the markets are overwhelming, blotting out the interest underneath. In this case, it is the multitude of surface textures that appeals: great blocks of plastic boxes juxtaposed on linear roller doors, coupled with patchworks of baskets and tiles and clothes. Then, through it all comes a donkey and cart, pushing and pulling. Great shot.
These are great especially no 2. looking forward to some more.
These are so cool! Can't wait to see more!![]()
Antonio, I love these portraits. You have a good eye and obviously good people skills also. You've captured the character of Morocco even better than the very good shots posted before these. Also very good composition in # 17 and # 21.
Hello Joe.
Thank you for commenting.
Let me tell you how I photographed the children.
As you may know, people don't like to be photographed in certain countries. Morocco is one of them.
Then, there was only a way to take them. No. I mean three ways: 1. money, 2. at the distance and 3. with surprise (snap shots isn't it ?)
I was - that day - traveling on the passenger place with the window opened. I set my camera to AIFocus and with a reasonable wide angle. I think I was using the 24-70.
I was making 10/15 shots in a row trying to get one.
The children ran away from the camera when they saw it, even with the jeep moving.
That is what you see on the 23.ed picture and we can see that the girl in the 22.ed is saying something like no.
The SCP were shot at the distance except the last one where money was involved.
Picture 21 would benefit from a person. The light was harsh - I don't like to photograph in these conditions - and there was no one around.
Antonio, I think a person in # 21 would be ok, but I think I prefer it as is. I'm pretty much locked in to landscapes and nature photography rather than people pics, except for our 8-month old first grandchild, of course.