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Thread: Lightroom Presets for Land/City Scapes?

  1. #1

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    Lightroom Presets for Land/City Scapes?

    Hi, Can anyone recommend some good presets to add to light-room 4 to enhance or help in PP in Land and city scape's. Not ones that you have seen on-line but preferably ones you have used to good effect yourself.
    All I can seem to find are for Weddings, Portrait and to make a complete mess of a photograph.
    Free or for purchase not bothered. Not looking for hundreds just maybe in the teens to get started.

  2. #2
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom Presets for Land/City Scapes?

    Personally I feel you'd be better off creating your own style and not starting with someone else's.

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    Re: Lightroom Presets for Land/City Scapes?

    Quote Originally Posted by black pearl View Post
    Personally I feel you'd be better off creating your own style and not starting with someone else's.
    Hi, Thanks for replying and I agree with you but! you are still creating your own style are you not when you adjust what the Preset/s do to your image? The presets in some cases just shorten the work required. IMO
    Thanks Again

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    Re: Lightroom Presets for Land/City Scapes?

    Quote Originally Posted by russellsnr View Post
    Hi, Thanks for replying and I agree with you but! you are still creating your own style are you not when you adjust what the Preset/s do to your image? The presets in some cases just shorten the work required. IMO
    Thanks Again
    Possibly. However I never use presets on the basis that a preset must, surely, assume some starting position. Aren't you going to tweak an image on the basis of the colours and tones in it, which in turn depend on what you shot, what the light quality was like, etc etc.
    For my money the adjustment any image needs is unique to that image. I have never been able to understand why using someone else's adjustment, that they devised for their unique image, should be relevant to mine.
    Just my 2¢

  5. #5

    Re: Lightroom Presets for Land/City Scapes?

    I agree with most everyone here about presets as I do individual images as I get to them. Very seldom do I use the same settings for all my photos. But here is a link to some free presets and I hope they help you out. If you use them please let me know how it works out as I would like to see some photos that you use them on.

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    Re: Lightroom Presets for Land/City Scapes?

    Sometimes I will download a free preset of a technique that interests me and then work it backwards to see how the designer of the preset obtained that effect. I've learned a lot about using curves and blend modes from doing this. I'll make a few notes to myself about what happens when you do this or that and then delete the preset. From there, I have a bit of new knowledge to use the next time I want to play around with an image. Russel, you might find this helpful, too as you will see which parts of the photo have changed and what was done to effect that change. To me, figuring our post processing is like learning to read. First, the ABCs with someone's help and then you start stringing the letters together on your own and making words by yourself as Tim has suggested

    I create my own actions all the time if I have large batches to do, but they're usually pretty basic and only for that particular setting. They, too, get trashed when I am finished. I also save settings when using adjustment layers and label them in such a way that I will remember the photo on which they were first used. Those, I keep and sometimes try on other images to test the effect.

    Here, try these sites if you have not already. They may help guide you to the effects that you would like to reproduce. I find the Adobe channels extremely helpful. (Just click the search button to refresh the list)
    Last edited by Maritimer1; 6th July 2012 at 01:20 PM.

  7. #7

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    Re: Lightroom Presets for Land/City Scapes?

    Just a thanks for all who replied and also for the links.
    I assumed that more people would actually use presets especially those made by, shall we say "lightroom experts", just to cut down on the work flow time.
    But seems I assumed wrong, a little surprised, but hey you are never to old to learn
    Thanks Again

  8. #8

    Re: Lightroom Presets for Land/City Scapes?

    Quote Originally Posted by russellsnr View Post
    I assumed that more people would actually use presets especially those made by, shall we say "lightroom experts", just to cut down on the work flow time.
    But seems I assumed wrong, a little surprised, but hey you are never to old to learn
    Thanks Again
    Russell I did give a very few presets a try at the beginning but was never satisfied with them and at that time I did not give them much of a chance by adjusting them a whole lot.

    I wanted to learn what each slider, button and every thing-a-ma-jig did in lightroom, still working on that, as I felt that would be the best route to take and learn the software. Just my take on it.

    When you brought the subject up I started wondering if it just might be something to it, as you stated, thus my asking you to please post some of your work using presets. Who knows it just may take a hold with some of us. I am open to learn new ways of doing things. However for right now I am satisfied with working through my own work flow to learn the software and it's capabilities.

    Myra also has a very good and valid thought on it also. Another way to learn the software and it's capabilities. One I must confess I never gave it one thought, but makes a lot of sense and may even be easier than my approach. I guess that's why we all have somewhat of a different approach to things.

    If you use the presets please share your work and how you got there. I am interested to see what you come up with.


  9. #9
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom Presets for Land/City Scapes?

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl in Louisiana View Post
    I agree with most everyone here about presets as I do individual images as I get to them. Very seldom do I use the same settings for all my photos. But here is a link to some free presets and I hope they help you out. If you use them please let me know how it works out as I would like to see some photos that you use them on.
    Not to be a spoilsport, but I did download and installed them - and I didn't find any that were very useful in the long run.
    My 2 cents....

  10. #10

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    Re: Lightroom Presets for Land/City Scapes?

    Hi,Carl, sorry I don't have anything done with presets at all as at the moment as I don't have any, the reason for the OP was that I have a DVD sent to me from USA ( CreativeLive on Lightroom 4 and the presenter is guy called Jared Platt), he is a strong believer in cutting work time down and to this end he uses Presets (made by himself), now he also sells his presets at $109, I would not spend $109 on presets apart from the fact I can't afford to spend $109 I am not as he is a pro wedding and portrait photographer but in watching the DVD he does save himself a lot of time using them. Reading what has been posted above it seems that the way forward is to make your OWN and work of them.

    PS. Found this site that maybe of interest to L/R users.
    Last edited by russellsnr; 8th July 2012 at 07:04 AM.

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