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Thread: My attempts from the circus

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Salisbury, uk
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    Paul Matthews

    My attempts from the circus

    I went to the circus last night and took my camera to see what i could do. I did ask for tips but left it a little too late really so did not get anything before going. Anyway i filtered through my shots and only managed a couple. Let me know what you think please. Light was terrible and so was my positioning. Its also the first time i have tried to use the flash on the camera

    My attempts from the circus

    My attempts from the circus

    My attempts from the circus

    I tried this last shot during the interval with my daughters light spinning toy we bought. i think its something different

  2. #2
    Andrew76's Avatar
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    Re: My attempts from the circus

    Hi Paul, please don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think the flash did you any favours. I didn't have a chance to look at your EXIF, but I'd be interested to see it, and give you some more critique. My first impression though, is too much noise. Maybe a little reduction in LR or something? The third one is interesting as an abstract, but it's too tough to tell exactly what it is without you telling us.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: My attempts from the circus

    You mentioned first time you have "used flash on the camera" this leads me to believe that you were using the onboard flash. That flash is, IMO, pretty close to worthless for any distance past a meter or two.

    It looks to me like you were getting a double image in which the ambient light allowed the moving subjects to blur and the weak flash partially froze the image.

    I am not sure what camera or lens you were using but, shooting in this type of venue requires a fast lens and a camera which is capable of achieving decent quality at the highest ISO.

    A more powerful flash, shot directly, might have overidden the ambient light but, you would have had a shadow behind the subjects. Whether or not this would be objectionable is hard to say.

    Did you apply any noise reduction to these images and, additionally, what would you do differently (if anything) in the future...

    Shooting in any difficult venue like this can be a learning experience or it can be frustrating...

  4. #4
    JPS's Avatar
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    Re: My attempts from the circus

    Canon 500D: 1/200sec: F5.6: ISO 3200: Shutter priority: Flash fired.

    Hi Paul,
    you certainly took on a giant task here IMO. Not only the lighting issues, but your main subjects all moving at the time of capture. The guys are right a fast lens is a must really, but I am a bit suprised at the amount of noise as normally canon cameras handle this a little better.
    With regards to the flash; if your are talking about the on board flash, then I must agree with Richard at this distance they just cannot cope. I would guess you felt you could not used a Hot-Shoe flash unit, in case the power of the flash caused problems to the performers.

    I think the main thing here is that you got out and gave it a go.
    Keep pressing that button my friend and I look forward to seeing more of your work soon.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Paul Matthews

    Re: My attempts from the circus

    Cheers for the comments guys. The flash was the on board one as I don't have a proper one yet sadly. I dont think I would have used a proper flash in there either as I would have felt I was distracting the acts in positions that I certainly would not want to be distracted in. I think these were more of a trial to see if I could get anything good or not really.

    As for the last image it is a spinning light stick toy that I just felt like playing with during the interval to save being bored.

    And just to mention, there is no pp noise reduction on any of the images.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: My attempts from the circus

    Hi Paul,

    Quote Originally Posted by paulm View Post
    And just to mention, there is no pp noise reduction on any of the images.
    This may help; Neat Image


  7. #7
    JPS's Avatar
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    Re: My attempts from the circus

    I've never heard of, let alone tried this software; but as Dave gives it the thumbs up, I thought I would give it a go. I've just downloaded it and tried it on your picture.

    Give it a go mate; I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
    Cheers Dave, a great tip and piece of software if things don't go exactly to plan, when the shot is taken.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Paul Matthews

    Re: My attempts from the circus

    Wow thanks for pointing out that software. I downloaded the demo version to see what difference it would make. Very impressed. Results below.

    My attempts from the circusMy attempts from the circus

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