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Thread: Sharpening at very high shutter speeds

  1. #1
    Alis's Avatar
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    Sharpening at very high shutter speeds

    Sometimes during the day with a lot of light around (and perhaps with good lighting setting in the studio), the shutter speed goes up to 4000, 6000, and sometimes even 8000.

    What would people do for those pictures as far as sharpenning is concerned.

    I assume I still need to apply capture sharpening but is there any need for further sharpening? I assume that such a high speed, the picture shoud not need any other sharpening. Am I correct?


  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Sharpening at very high shutter speeds

    Hi Alis,

    I think there might be other reasons for content sharpening than just camera shake and/or subject movement (which must be almost non-existent/sub-pixel sized* at those sort of shutter speeds for most subjects, I agree); e.g. perhaps to increase the effectiveness of the DoF, counteract small focus errors?

    * Me thinks it may be more necessary with the 20+ MP sensors?

    As you say, capture sharpening will be necessary for most, if not all, cameras.
    (Dave awaits for any comment from Steaphany with the non-Bayer array Sigma DP14)

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 22nd July 2009 at 06:55 PM.

  3. #3

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    Re: Sharpening at very high shutter speeds

    Quote Originally Posted by Alis View Post
    I assume that such a high speed, the picture shoud not need any other sharpening. Am I correct?

    Sharpening can help to reduce the effects of incorrect focus or motion blur, but photos suffering from neither of these faults still need sharpening. (Sharpening is all about edge contrast and definition).

  4. #4
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Sharpening at very high shutter speeds

    Thanks a lot. Just checking

  5. #5

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    Re: Sharpening at very high shutter speeds

    Sharpening is needed for digital image. On film the silver halide blobs or pigment blobs will generate an affect that enhance picture sharpness, in digital neither of this exists and needs to be created artificially using sharpening filters.
    Last edited by AlexB; 24th July 2009 at 04:08 PM. Reason: bad spelling

  6. #6
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Sharpening at very high shutter speeds

    Quote Originally Posted by AlexB View Post
    Sharpening is needed for digital image. On film the silver halide blobs or pigment blobs will generate an affect that enhance picture sharpness, in digital neither of this exists and needs to be created artificially using sharpening filters.
    Thanks, Alex. Good to know. I love these comparisons between film and digital photography. I don't know anything about film since I was too young to experience it at a serious level. We just used to buy a 35mm Fuji or Kodak roll, always ISO 100, and load the camera and start shooting. Later whatever the lab gave us always looked nice to us since we did not expect more. Good old days

  7. #7

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    Re: Sharpening at very high shutter speeds

    Quote Originally Posted by AlexB View Post
    On film the silver halide blobs or pigment blobs will generate an affect that enhance picture sharpness
    To a degree, but lets not forget where the term "Unsharp Mask" come from

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