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Thread: Need help selecting camera/lenses for event photo bus.

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Need help selecting camera/lenses for event photo bus.

    I'm new to this forum. Just stumbled across it while researching cameras etc.

    Am in the process of setting up an event photography business to supplement retirement income. Will initially be shooting golf groups outdoors, however I hope eventually to do some indoor events. Will offer photos of foursomes or larger groups (5x7 prints), printed at event site using Sony DR150 or DR200 dye sublimation printer. Photos will be sold presented in a cardboard folder or mounted on a 7x9 wood plaque with acrylic cover on photo. Photos will all be imprinted with event name, date, course name and corporate logo (if desired) using Photoshop Elements 7. Golfers can take home finished product at end of tournament

    Have been using Nikon Coolpix 5400, but am ready to upgrade.

    I need recommendations for camera , lenses. Am considering Nikon D400. Any advise/recommendations for camera and lenses or any other equipment will be appreciated.

    Also, if anyone has experience doing event work such as this, I would welcome any comments, suggestions.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Need help selecting camera/lenses for event photo bus.

    Hi Magoo,

    Welcome to the CiC forums.
    I have moved your first post here because you had already re-titled it from the intro thread and it is 99% question. Not that that is a problem.

    I´m not familiar with that camera model; did you mean Nikon D40? (or perhaps Canon D400)

    I´m not in business, so I´ll leave that side of your question to members who are, although you have an idea, I wonder if it is that simple in practice.

    Just a couple of things that cross my mind are possible difficulty with;
    Obtaining rights to photograph (for commercial gain) on private property; i.e. the courses?
    Power for the printer, computer, monitor, chargers, etc.?

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 21st July 2009 at 07:51 PM. Reason: corect tipo

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Victoria, British Columbia

    Re: Need help selecting camera/lenses for event photo bus.

    Welcome to the forums Magoo,

    Unfortunately, I'm a Canon man so I can't help you much, but I'm sure there are a few Nikon users among us.

    Best of luck.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Need help selecting camera/lenses for event photo bus.

    If we are talking about a new camera and lens, there isn't really a lot to choose between Nikon and Canon so I would recommend handling both and seeing which fits best in your hands.

    If you want to look professional, which I think is half the battle in inspiring confidence, I would suggest a Canon 40D or Nikon equivalent as the minimum camera. You could possibly get away with a slightly cheaper Canon 400D, or Nikon, if you find the larger version too heavy.

    And one of the smaller, but good quality zoom lenses. A zoom will give more flexibility although a prime lens would be excellent for formal portraits. Exact choice of lens will depend on actual use and whether you are shooting action shots, informal walk around photos or posed groups.

    But we really need some idea of your budget as my rough suggestions would be in the £1000-£2000 area. Which may sound expensive but if you want to compete with the pros you need decent kit.

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