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Thread: Alien World Set

  1. #1

    Alien World Set

    Doning my full chemotoxic protection suit I apprehensively crossed the threshold of my daughters bedroom (with full triplicate). I think my lens coating has peeled off with the brightness. Was it worth it mmm I am not sure


    Alien World Set


    Alien World Set

    Alien World Set

    Alien World Set

    Alien World Set


    Alien World Set

    Alien World Set

  2. #2
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Re: Alien World Set

    Ouch!!!! My eyes!

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Alien World Set

    Brilliant Steve,

    I think I'd leave the colours in the photo's though, not your frames

    Great series; 'raising tha bar' again.
    Waaay above my level, so no suggestions, they all look great to me.

    Well done,

  4. #4
    Davey's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: Alien World Set

    Nice I like all of them but think 2 is my fav. Only one thing I would suggest is the frame on no7 is dark instead of white, either black like others or dark grey like anthracite grey as I find the white gets my attention too much. Same with no5 but as that image is dark maybe a lighter frame but a blue like cerulean or steel blue to coordinate with the subject (or a magenta or amethyst to contrast with the subject and match the little heart).

    Other than that there isn't anything I could add. I wouldn't know were to start in making such mundane shots look half as interesting .

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Southern California

    Re: Alien World Set

    Yah number 2 is my fav also very vivid pic...u let your daughter go out liek that? hehe just kidding...

  6. #6

    Re: Alien World Set

    Thankyou for your positive comments.

    I think I'd leave the colours in the photo's though, not your frames
    Dave; Looking at this on the forum I wholeheartedly agree...what was I thinking

    Davey; I am going to experiment as you suggest. Anything but white and cerise

    u let your daughter go out liek that?
    I seem to have little choice with my eldest daughter I am afraid. However, this shoe is actually a telephone


  7. #7
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Alien World Set

    Very, very nice. All of them.

  8. #8
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Re: Alien World Set

    Now my daughter wants a shoe phone...

  9. #9
    Davey's Avatar
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    Re: Alien World Set

    Your daughter isn't the only one, now I want a shoe phone too! A pink stiletto like that, sad part is I'm not joking hehehehe.

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    RI, USA

    Re: Alien World Set

    Great pictures. Very creative. Isn't there a thread on here "Mundane made interesting" (or something like that)?

  11. #11
    milleniummuppet's Avatar
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    Re: Alien World Set

    I have to say, that's a new one for this forum !

    Good to see the site expanding into more different categories .

  12. #12

    Re: Alien World Set

    Thankyou for the kind comments. I do like the challenge of photographing the mundane. I seem to remember the shoe phone was £9.99 GBP at shop called New Look. Very popular outlet for the teenies over here. I took my daughters once (me having the charge card). I was left standing in the underwear department whilst they tried on clothes. This is where a cell phone is at its most useful since you can pretend to be absorbed in the display settings. Then I thought I could be mistaken for using my phones camera so I quickly put it away and resumed my intimate study of the sprinkler system.

  13. #13

    Join Date
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    RI, USA

    Re: Alien World Set

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Thankyou for the kind comments. I do like the challenge of photographing the mundane. I seem to remember the shoe phone was £9.99 GBP at shop called New Look. Very popular outlet for the teenies over here. I took my daughters once (me having the charge card). I was left standing in the underwear department whilst they tried on clothes. This is where a cell phone is at its most useful since you can pretend to be absorbed in the display settings. Then I thought I could be mistaken for using my phones camera so I quickly put it away and resumed my intimate study of the sprinkler system.
    Too funny!

  14. #14

    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia

    Re: Alien World Set

    Very nice shots. I don't have much knowledge how these types shots are taken. Is the lighting a bit tricky for these shots?

  15. #15

    Re: Alien World Set


    My equipment does not stretch to much at present so all these shots are taken using natural light from a window and a Speed Light mounted on camera. The Speed Light is set to ETTL and the camera set to Manual 1/200 sec shutter and aperture set to whatever DoF effect I think I may want. For these shots the Speed light is set FEC -1 stop. If I need to soften the flash further I tape doubled up sheet of kitchen tissue over the flash head. I do have a short cord to use the flash ETTL off camera (when I use my flash bracket) but it is not long enough to be much use with these shots so I bounce of ceiling and walls to taste. I do have a video flood with barn doors but I get hassled with fancy lighting set ups so I am taking things one step at a time.

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