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Thread: polarizing filter for a compact camera?

  1. #1

    polarizing filter for a compact camera?


    is there anyway of adding a polarizing filter to a small digital compact camera?


  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: filter advice please

    Hi (and welcome),

    I think we're going to need more info; like which DCC?

    Obviously it's going to be a bit of a bodge, so what the end of the lens is like (and whether it moves in & out) is crucial information.


  3. #3
    JK6065's Avatar
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    Re: filter advice please

    So far I've searched for filters for my panasonic Lumix fx-35. I haven't filters for it. I doubt if they extually exist for dcc's. What you could do is using sunglasses as polarisationfilter but it doesn't work that well as a filter. Just try it and you'll find out.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: filter advice please

    Hi Jeroen,

    You can get quite small polarisers, say 30.5mm across, probably less, intended for movie cameras, I'd suggest using one of those in preference to the non-flat sunglass lens which is going to introduce all manner of distortions, reflections and flare.


  5. #5

    Re: filter advice please

    Thanks for your replies.

    The camera is a Pentax Optio A40, 12 mp's if this helps.

    The lens does move in/out as you turn the camera on/off and zoom in/out.

    I really want to take some good pics of my koi but keep getting the glare from the water.

    Any more advice appreciated.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: filter advice please

    Hi Lee,

    The Pentax Optio A40 I was looking at is, I hope, the same one you have.

    It is going to be tricky, with a risk of damaging the camera.
    At this point you might want to consider getting another camera; one with a filter thread.
    It doesn't have to be a full blown DSLR with all the cost that entails; my old Fuji S6500, and many of that range of DSLR look-alikes can take them. I'm sure you could get one, especially s/h, for what you could sell a koi for

    If you want to continue with the A40 mods, the lens looks like you might be able to at least do something, depends how "handy" you are at engineering. You don't really want something taped on that's going to fall in the water with a "plop" the first time you look down on your koi.

    My best suggestion (assuming the lens protective cover works how I think it does; within the barrel, not over the end of it) is to consider buying a small UV or skylight filter and possibly glueing this to the front of the lens (make sure it's clean on the inside because there's no going back), that will give you a thread with which to attach the polariser when needed. You will need to carefully study how the lens works on zooming, focusing (esp. macro) and how it stows when the camera is off to make sure what I have just suggested isn't going to "end in tears".

    I could think of other solutions, but these are only practical if you're a model engineer , and the time taken would cost more than a new camera.

    As you can see, this is a bit "Heath Robinson", not to mention risky and potentially irreversible . I'd really suggest another camera.


  7. #7

    Re: filter advice please

    Thanks for your advice Dave.

    I didnt think there would be anything like i want to be honest. I am pretty good with modifying things/making things but as you say, by the time i have sorted something and made/modified/stuck something on and risked a potential nightmare, it would be cheaper to buy a second hand camera which has/could be fitted with a standard filter as i wish.

    My little pentax is an excelent camera and im not going to risk anything with it, so I will have to keep my eyes out for a decent s/h one.

    All the best,

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Re: polarizing filter for a compact camera?

    The cokin filter holder A300 can help you:

  9. #9
    Hans's Avatar
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    Re: polarizing filter for a compact camera?

    That's pretty cool!

    Just remember to shade it from the direct sunlight to limit flare and ghosting (which is more pronounced with digital cameras)

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Re: polarizing filter for a compact camera?

    I'm new to the forum. Lurked a while and like what I found. I use the Cokin filter on my Leica D-Lux 2. The only problem is that the lens cannot be fully extended with the Cokin polarizer in place because it will only fit in the rearmost slot. Other than that, it works a treat and frees me to use one hand to shade lens/filter.

  11. #11

    Re: polarizing filter for a compact camera?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Barry View Post
    I'm new to the forum. Lurked a while and like what I found. I use the Cokin filter on my Leica D-Lux 2. The only problem is that the lens cannot be fully extended with the Cokin polarizer in place because it will only fit in the rearmost slot. Other than that, it works a treat and frees me to use one hand to shade lens/filter.
    You might be able to use Cokin A300 which is an adjustable (front to rear and sideways) holder for the A series. Alternatively A400 - magnetic holder. I have the A300 which is ancient but works OK. The A400 is one on those which attaches by self adhesive magnetic ring.

    I could not find them on the Cokin website so don't know if still available. Perhaps E-Bay?

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