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Thread: Colin's Sunrise

  1. #1
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Colin's Sunrise

    I must have caught the same sunrise a day earlier on the other side of the world
    Although you did a much better job at capturing all of it's essence.

    Did you shoot raw or jpeg?
    My camera only shoots jpeg.

    I'm still working out W/B issues
    Seems to be the bug behind the shutter


    Colin's Sunrise

  2. #2

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    Re: Colin's Sunrise

    Hi Jack,

    Which Colin are you referring to? If it's me - then mine are all sunsets

  3. #3
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Re: Colin's Sunrise

    yep, It's you.
    Wow, different sun

    I shot mine 7/10/09 @ 5:29 am, the day before, I think...

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Colin's Sunrise

    Hi Jack,

    This isn't bad at all, although I think you could loose 30% across the top of frame, so you just get the cloud bank lit red from below.

    It's nice and level, but there maybe signs of the correction on the left of frame that could do with cropping off say 2% off width, no more.

    Shame about no RAW
    A touch down on the exposure for the blown white bit would have helped.

    As you are jpg only, I'd suggest you always bracket a stop (1EV) either side of what the camera says.

    Hope that helps,

  5. #5

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    Re: Colin's Sunrise


    The color of this photo is nice. When I look at the sky, there seems to have quite a lot of noise, do you know the reason?

  6. #6

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    Re: Colin's Sunrise

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Shame about no RAW
    Yeah - RAW for this kind of work is mandatory.

    A touch down on the exposure for the blown white bit would have helped.
    Just a little hint ... whenever you see yellow around a setting sun, it's a sure sign that you've blown the red channel (easy to do) ... stop down a stop or two and it'll go away.

    As you are jpg only, I'd suggest you always bracket a stop (1EV) either side of what the camera says.
    Honestly, with this kind of shot, the metering can ("will") be all over the place. Unless your using GND filters you can almost guarantee that the dynamic range of the camera will be insufficient.

  7. #7
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Re: Colin's Sunrise

    Honestly, with this kind of shot, the metering can ("will") be all over the place. Unless your using GND filters you can almost guarantee that the dynamic range of the camera will be insufficient.
    Hmmm, food for thought, 450D, 500D, or D40X
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 12th July 2009 at 08:47 PM. Reason: added quote tags

  8. #8

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    Re: Colin's Sunrise

    Quote Originally Posted by jacsul View Post
    Hmmm, food for thought, 450D, 500D, or D40X
    All the same. In the Canon world, just rely on blinkies and review screen to indicate over-exposure, and histograms to indicate under-exposure.

    Just be aware though that all colours wash out more the more you push them exposure wise. (ie the more you push them, the whiter they become) - so if you want a scene to look more saturated, under-expose it more

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