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Thread: San Clemente Pier

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Southern California

    San Clemente Pier

    Ok so here is a pic of the SC Pier taken from a little foot bridge...the tracks in the foreground are from the metro link- amtrak...

    I like the different lines int he pic of the pier going one way and the tracks going another...Too me even though there is no motion int he pic,,,the tracks give the feeling of moving along them....I wish the bush was not there,,,,

    Please C and C.... PS the pier is not level incase your wondering..

    San Clemente Pier

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Windsor, Berks, UK
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: San Clemente Pier

    Hi Kevin,

    I can see the a-track-tion

    You've got a perfect crop/composition with the near rail going into the bottom right corner like that.

    Two things detract for me;
    the sloping and slightly barrelled pier and horizon across the top (as you say), and
    the sunlit rocks in front of the bush in right of frame; a bit of PP burning could take those down.

    You're also right about the bush, it is a little over-powering, a bit more sea space between the top of it and the pier would have been better.

    The "permanent way" looks well looked after!

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