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Thread: Camera strap comfort

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Gorokan NSW Australia

    Camera strap comfort

    Apart from screaming Nikon, the camera strap supplied with my D90 feels like sandpaper on my neck and is so short I have to hang it round my neck when walking around. I prefer to wear it across my chest on a walkabout, and only have it round my neck on an extended fixed shoot.

    After much searching of forums and Googling I finally came up with what seemed like a decent workable strap system, ordered it from the US, and now just six days later it has arrived and it has met all my expectations. Comfort and versatility.

    It's the Optech Pro Loop Strap, combined with the No 9 System connectors. With just the strap it sits very comfortably around my neck, the weight being taken on a contoured 60mm wide neoprene (Wetsuit material) strap which has the main strap attached over it in such a way that the neoprene can stretch to absorb jolts. When I attach the No 9 extensions it sits comfortably across my chest with the camera at a good position just below my waist at the side, plenty of strap to get it straight up to my eye. Plenty of room for adjustment of both ends of the strap and the extenders.

    Fully washable after the neoprene has been subject to a hot sweaty day.

    I'm very pleased that what I have read about this strap appears to be true. The setup cost me around AU$41.00 including delivery from the US.

  2. #2

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    Re: Comfort

    Hi Bill,

    The strap on my camera used to annoy me because it always flopped in front of the VF when shooting verticals.

    In the end I just took it off, and installed a Canon hand strap - so now it basically just "hangs off the end of my arm" or if I've got a lens / flash on I just rest the lens on my other arm and kinda "fold my arms" around it.

  3. #3
    Amberglass's Avatar
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    Re: Comfort

    I like and use this camera strap called the BlackRapid Rapid R-Strap. They have a double version that I use when I am on assignment and need to use two bodies.

  4. #4
    Sai C's Avatar
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    Re: Comfort

    Here's one that I have been thinking about. The fact that it will be non-slip appeals to me all the more as often it is the most aggravating/irritating factor that I've encountered while shooting in the field.

    As ever my disclaimer: I am in no way related to the company or anyone working there.

    Last edited by Sai C; 9th July 2009 at 07:28 PM.

  5. #5
    Steve H's Avatar
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    Re: Camera strap comfort

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill44 View Post

    The setup cost me around AU$41.00 including delivery from the US.
    Hi Bill,
    Where did you order this from? I had a look at adorama (via amazon) and they wanted about 80 bucks to ship a 13 dollar strap

  6. #6
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: Camera strap comfort

    Another vote for the black rapid straps.I use the single strap.A real neck saver.

  7. #7

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    Re: Camera strap comfort

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve H View Post
    Hi Bill,
    Where did you order this from? I had a look at adorama (via amazon) and they wanted about 80 bucks to ship a 13 dollar strap

    Look under "Straps" and further down the list "Strap Connectors"

  8. #8
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Re: Camera strap comfort

    I'm thinking of putting this (BlackRapid Rapid R-Strap) on my wishlist, saw the vids on you tube, thanks Amberglass. Anybody else use this?
    Seems great while riding on the motorcycle...

    Dear Santa.............

  9. #9

    Re: Camera strap comfort

    I'm also looking for a more comfortable strap/harness which distributes the weight across both shoulders. What would you recommend?

  10. #10
    Amberglass's Avatar
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    Re: Camera strap comfort

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazing fire View Post
    I'm also looking for a more comfortable strap/harness which distributes the weight across both shoulders. What would you recommend?
    Then I would recommend this one by Trekking:

    Another camera strap that I recommend if you prefer the more traditional strap, but with more comfort is by Trendy ( The straps have a gel interior but without adding bulk. I use this strap if I need to use a tripod or requires putting my camera down to adjust surrounding (lights, reflectors, and etc).

  11. #11
    Amberglass's Avatar
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    Re: Camera strap comfort

    Quote Originally Posted by jacsul View Post
    I'm thinking of putting this (BlackRapid Rapid R-Strap) on my wishlist, saw the vids on you tube, thanks Amberglass. Anybody else use this?
    Seems great while riding on the motorcycle...

    Dear Santa.............
    You're welcome. I always carry my camera across so this was a natural progression for me. I have the simple version because I prefer carrying my CF cards in a belt pouch, not the strap itself.

  12. #12
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: Camera strap comfort

    I went with the Bushnell and am very happy with it. I am going to try the heavy-duty one next, for when I'm carrying one of my big lenses.


  13. #13
    Steve H's Avatar
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    Re: Camera strap comfort

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill44 View Post

    Look under "Straps" and further down the list "Strap Connectors"
    Thanks Bill - I've ordered an OPTECH wrist grip strap as well as one of their pro straps. They are interchangeable as they have the same connectors. The main reason I got them was, I was sick of the NIKON strap getting in the way when the camera was on the tripod (which seems to be 90% of the time these days). So with these OPTECH strap I can quickly disconnect them.


  14. #14
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Camera strap comfort

    I am a great fan of OPTECH products and have not found any which I do not like.

    I use an OPTECH Dual Harness for a pair of cameras but, this harness could easily be used for a single camera. This strap distributes the weight of the camera/cameras across my shoulders which makes it easy to carry. I occasionally wear this rig beneath my photo vest for additional safety and protection.

    A more simple rig which places the camera on your chest is the OPTECH Bino Cam Harness. I have not used this rig but the price is certainly right.

    I like my camera securely supported at two points. If one of the connectors on this rig fails, the camera will not slip off. It will still be supported by the harness. If one connector fails on a normal neck strap - bye-bye camera.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 4th December 2009 at 04:54 PM.

  15. #15

    Join Date
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    Re: Camera strap comfort

    Another vote for the blackrapid, The beauty of is that you can simply unhook your camera and put it on a table or on the seat beside you while still wearing the strap. - no strap flopping around the table etc. And when you use a heavy lens with a tripod collar you can sling the camera from that point rather than having all the weight on the camera mount -you just need to have an extra connector or 2..

    Last edited by Howard; 17th December 2009 at 08:10 AM. Reason: more thoughts.

  16. #16

    Join Date
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    Re: Camera strap comfort

    I also use Black Rapid and am very satisfied with it. In addition I use Cotton Carrier whch consists of a light but strong nylon mesh harness with a breastplate to which the camera is attached. This is by far the most convenient way of carrying the camera (heavy lens and all) and it hiches on and off with a simple 90 degree twist. It has received a very good crit in the American on-line reviews. It is brand new on the market but I am sure it will soon become well known to the photographic community.

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